Source code for sigpy.mri.samp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MRI sampling functions.
import numpy as np
import numba as nb

__all__ = ['poisson', 'radial', 'spiral']

[docs]def poisson(img_shape, accel, calib=(0, 0), dtype=np.complex, crop_corner=True, return_density=False, seed=0, max_attempts=30, tol=0.1): """Generate variable-density Poisson-disc sampling pattern. The function generates a variable density Poisson-disc sampling mask with density proportional to :math:`1 / (1 + s |r|)`, where :math:`r` represents the k-space radius, and :math:`s` represents the slope. A binary search is performed on the slope :math:`s` such that the resulting acceleration factor is close to the prescribed acceleration factor `accel`. The parameter `tol` determines how much they can deviate. Args: img_shape (tuple of ints): length-2 image shape. accel (float): Target acceleration factor. Must be greater than 1. calib (tuple of ints): length-2 calibration shape. dtype (Dtype): data type. crop_corner (bool): Toggle whether to crop sampling corners. seed (int): Random seed. max_attempts (float): maximum number of samples to reject in Poisson disc calculation. tol (float): Tolerance for how much the resulting acceleration can deviate form `accel`. Returns: array: Poisson-disc sampling mask. References: Bridson, Robert. "Fast Poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions." SIGGRAPH sketches. 2007. """ if accel <= 1: raise ValueError(f'accel must be greater than 1, got {accel}') if seed is not None: rand_state = np.random.get_state() ny, nx = img_shape y, x = np.mgrid[:ny, :nx] x = np.maximum(abs(x - img_shape[-1] / 2) - calib[-1] / 2, 0) x /= x.max() y = np.maximum(abs(y - img_shape[-2] / 2) - calib[-2] / 2, 0) y /= y.max() r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) slope_max = max(nx, ny) slope_min = 0 while slope_min < slope_max: slope = (slope_max + slope_min) / 2 radius_x = np.clip((1 + r * slope) * nx / max(nx, ny), 1, None) radius_y = np.clip((1 + r * slope) * ny / max(nx, ny), 1, None) mask = _poisson( img_shape[-1], img_shape[-2], max_attempts, radius_x, radius_y, calib, seed) if crop_corner: mask *= r < 1 actual_accel = img_shape[-1] * img_shape[-2] / np.sum(mask) if abs(actual_accel - accel) < tol: break if actual_accel < accel: slope_min = slope else: slope_max = slope if abs(actual_accel - accel) >= tol: raise ValueError(f'Cannot generate mask to satisfy accel={accel}.') mask = mask.reshape(img_shape).astype(dtype) if seed is not None: np.random.set_state(rand_state) return mask
[docs]def radial(coord_shape, img_shape, golden=True, dtype=np.float): """Generate radial trajectory. Args: coord_shape (tuple of ints): coordinates of shape [ntr, nro, ndim], where ntr is the number of TRs, nro is the number of readout, and ndim is the number of dimensions. img_shape (tuple of ints): image shape. golden (bool): golden angle ordering. dtype (Dtype): data type. Returns: array: radial coordinates. References: 1. An Optimal Radial Profile Order Based on the Golden Ratio for Time-Resolved MRI Stefanie Winkelmann, Tobias Schaeffter, Thomas Koehler, Holger Eggers, and Olaf Doessel. TMI 2007. 2. Temporal stability of adaptive 3D radial MRI using multidimensional golden means Rachel W. Chan, Elizabeth A. Ramsay, Charles H. Cunningham, and Donald B. Plewes. MRM 2009. """ if len(img_shape) != coord_shape[-1]: raise ValueError( 'coord_shape[-1] must match len(img_shape), ' 'got {} and {}'.format(coord_shape[-1], len(img_shape))) ntr, nro, ndim = coord_shape if ndim == 2: if golden: phi = np.pi * (3 - 5**0.5) else: phi = 2 * np.pi / ntr n, r = np.mgrid[:ntr, :0.5:0.5 / nro] theta = n * phi coord = np.zeros((ntr, nro, 2)) coord[:, :, -1] = r * np.cos(theta) coord[:, :, -2] = r * np.sin(theta) elif ndim == 3: if golden: phi1 = 0.465571231876768 phi2 = 0.682327803828019 else: raise NotImplementedError n, r = np.mgrid[:ntr, :0.5:0.5 / nro] beta = np.arccos(2 * ((n * phi1) % 1) - 1) alpha = 2 * np.pi * ((n * phi2) % 1) coord = np.zeros((ntr, nro, 3)) coord[:, :, -1] = r * np.sin(beta) * np.cos(alpha) coord[:, :, -2] = r * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(alpha) coord[:, :, -3] = r * np.cos(beta) else: raise ValueError( 'coord_shape[-1] must be 2 or 3, got {}'.format(ndim)) return (coord * img_shape[-ndim:]).astype(dtype)
@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # pragma: no cover def _poisson(nx, ny, max_attempts, radius_x, radius_y, calib, seed=None): mask = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # Add calibration region mask[int(ny / 2 - calib[-2] / 2):int(ny / 2 + calib[-2] / 2), int(nx / 2 - calib[-1] / 2):int(nx / 2 + calib[-1] / 2)] = 1 if seed is not None: np.random.seed(int(seed)) # initialize active list pxs = np.empty(nx * ny, np.int32) pys = np.empty(nx * ny, np.int32) pxs[0] = np.random.randint(0, nx) pys[0] = np.random.randint(0, ny) num_actives = 1 while num_actives > 0: i = np.random.randint(0, num_actives) px = pxs[i] py = pys[i] rx = radius_x[py, px] ry = radius_y[py, px] # Attempt to generate point done = False k = 0 while not done and k < max_attempts: # Generate point randomly from r and 2 * r v = (np.random.random() * 3 + 1)**0.5 t = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random() qx = px + v * rx * np.cos(t) qy = py + v * ry * np.sin(t) # Reject if outside grid or close to other points if qx >= 0 and qx < nx and qy >= 0 and qy < ny: startx = max(int(qx - rx), 0) endx = min(int(qx + rx + 1), nx) starty = max(int(qy - ry), 0) endy = min(int(qy + ry + 1), ny) done = True for x in range(startx, endx): for y in range(starty, endy): if (mask[y, x] == 1 and (((qx - x) / radius_x[y, x])**2 + ((qy - y) / (radius_y[y, x]))**2 < 1)): done = False break k += 1 # Add point if done else remove from active list if done: pxs[num_actives] = qx pys[num_actives] = qy mask[int(qy), int(qx)] = 1 num_actives += 1 else: pxs[i] = pxs[num_actives - 1] pys[i] = pys[num_actives - 1] num_actives -= 1 return mask
[docs]def spiral(fov, N, f_sampling, R, ninterleaves, alpha, gm, sm, gamma=2.678e8): """Generate variable density spiral trajectory. Args: fov (float): field of view in meters. N (int): effective matrix shape. f_sampling (float): undersampling factor in freq encoding direction. R (float): undersampling factor. ninterleaves (int): number of spiral interleaves alpha (float): variable density factor gm (float): maximum gradient amplitude (T/m) sm (float): maximum slew rate (T/m/s) gamma (float): gyromagnetic ratio in rad/T/s Returns: array: spiral coordinates. References: Dong-hyun Kim, Elfar Adalsteinsson, and Daniel M. Spielman. 'Simple Analytic Variable Density Spiral Design.' MRM 2003. """ res = fov/N lam = .5 / res # in m**(-1) n = 1 / (1 - (1 - ninterleaves * R / fov / lam) ** (1 / alpha)) w = 2 * np.pi * n Tea = lam * w / gamma / gm / (alpha + 1) # in s Tes = np.sqrt(lam * w ** 2 / sm / gamma) / (alpha / 2 + 1) # in s Ts2a = (Tes ** ((alpha + 1) / (alpha / 2 + 1)) * (alpha / 2 + 1) / Tea / (alpha + 1)) ** (1 + 2 / alpha) # in s if Ts2a < Tes: tautrans = (Ts2a / Tes) ** (1 / (alpha / 2 + 1)) def tau(t): return (t / Tes) ** (1 / (alpha / 2 + 1)) * (0 <= t) * \ (t <= Ts2a) + ((t - Ts2a) / Tea + tautrans ** (alpha + 1)) ** (1 / (alpha + 1))\ * (t > Ts2a) * (t <= Tea) * (Tes >= Ts2a) Tend = Tea else: def tau(t): return (t / Tes) ** (1 / (alpha / 2 + 1)) * (0 <= t) * (t <= Tes) Tend = Tes def k(t): return lam * tau(t) ** alpha * np.exp(w * tau(t) * 1j) dt = Tea * 1E-4 # in s Dt = dt * f_sampling / fov / abs(k(Tea) - k(Tea - dt)) # in s t = np.linspace(0, Tend, int(Tend / Dt)) kt = k(t) # in rad # generating cloned interleaves k = kt for i in range(1, ninterleaves): k = np.hstack((k, kt[0:] * np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * i / ninterleaves))) k = np.stack((np.real(k), np.imag(k)), axis=1) return k