Source code for sigpy.mri.rf.b1sel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""":math:`B_1^{+}`-selective RF Pulse Design functions.

import numpy as np
from sigpy.mri.rf import slr as slr
from sigpy.mri.rf.util import dinf
__all__ = ['dz_b1_rf', 'dz_b1_gslider_rf', 'dz_b1_hadamard_rf']

[docs]def dz_b1_rf(dt=2e-6, tb=4, ptype='st', flip=np.pi / 6, pbw=0.3, pbc=2, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, os=8, split_and_reflect=True): """Design a :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective excitation pulse following Grissom \ JMR 2014 Args: dt (float): hardware sampling dwell time in s. tb (int): time-bandwidth product. ptype (string): pulse type, 'st' (small-tip excitation), 'ex' (pi/2 excitation pulse), 'se' (spin-echo pulse), 'inv' (inversion), or 'sat' (pi/2 saturation pulse). flip (float): flip angle, in radians. pbw (float): width of passband in Gauss. pbc (float): center of passband in Gauss. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. os (int): matrix scaling factor. split_and_reflect (bool): option to split and reflect designed pulse. Split-and-reflect preserves pulse selectivity when scaled to excite large tip-angles. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **om1** (*array*): AM waveform. - **dom** (*array*): FM waveform (radians/s). References: Grissom, W., Cao, Z., & Does, M. (2014). :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective excitation pulse design using the Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 242, 189-196. """ # calculate beta filter ripple [_, d1, d2] = slr.calc_ripples(ptype, d1, d2) # calculate pulse duration b = 4257 * pbw pulse_len = tb / b # calculate number of samples in pulse n = int(np.ceil(pulse_len / dt / 2) * 2) if pbc == 0: # we want passband as close to zero as possible. # do my own dual-band filter design to minimize interaction # between the left and right bands # build system matrix A = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.outer(np.arange(-n * os / 2, n * os / 2), np.arange(-n / 2, n / 2)) / (n * os)) # build target pattern ii = np.arange(-n * os / 2, n * os / 2) / (n * os) * 2 w = dinf(d1, d2) / tb f = np.asarray([0, (1 - w) * (tb / 2), (1 + w) * (tb / 2), n / 2]) / (n / 2) d = np.double(np.abs(ii) < f[1]) ds = np.double(np.abs(ii) > f[2]) # shift the target pattern to minimum center position pbc = int(np.ceil((f[2] - f[1]) * n * os / 2 + f[1] * n * os / 2)) dl = np.roll(d, pbc) dr = np.roll(d, -pbc) dsl = np.roll(ds, pbc) dsr = np.roll(ds, -pbc) # build error weight vector w = dl + dr + d1 / d2 * np.multiply(dsl, dsr) # solve for the dual-band filter AtA = A.conj().T @ np.multiply(np.reshape(w, (np.size(w), 1)), A) Atd = A.conj().T @ np.multiply(w, dr - dl) h = np.imag(np.linalg.pinv(AtA) @ Atd) else: # normal design # design filter h = slr.dzls(n, tb, d1, d2) # dual-band-modulate the filter om = 2 * np.pi * 4257 * pbc # modulation frequency t = np.arange(0, n) * pulse_len / n - pulse_len / 2 h = 2 * h * np.sin(om * t) if split_and_reflect: # split and flip fm waveform to improve large-tip accuracy dom = np.concatenate((h[n // 2::-1], h, h[n:n // 2:-1])) / 2 else: dom = np.concatenate((0 * h[n // 2::-1], h, 0 * h[n:n // 2:-1])) # scale to target flip, convert to Hz dom = dom * flip / (2 * np.pi * dt) # build am waveform om1 = np.concatenate((-np.ones(n // 2), np.ones(n), -np.ones(n // 2))) return om1, dom
[docs]def dz_b1_gslider_rf(dt=2e-6, g=5, tb=12, ptype='st', flip=np.pi / 6, pbw=0.5, pbc=2, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, split_and_reflect=True): """Design a :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective excitation gSlider pulse following Grissom JMR 2014. Args: dt (float): hardware sampling dwell time in s. g (int): number of slabs to be acquired. tb (int): time-bandwidth product. ptype (string): pulse type, 'st' (small-tip excitation), 'ex' (pi/2 excitation pulse), 'se' (spin-echo pulse), 'inv' (inversion), or 'sat' (pi/2 saturation pulse). flip (float): flip angle, in radians. pbw (float): width of passband in Gauss. pbc (float): center of passband in Gauss. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. split_and_reflect (bool): option to split and reflect designed pulse. Split-and-reflect preserves pulse selectivity when scaled to excite large tip-angles. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **om1** (*array*): AM waveform. - **dom** (*array*): FM waveform (radians/s). References: Grissom, W., Cao, Z., & Does, M. (2014). :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective excitation pulse design using the Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 242, 189-196. """ # calculate beta filter ripple [_, d1, d2] = slr.calc_ripples(ptype, d1, d2) # if ptype == 'st': bsf = flip # calculate pulse duration b = 4257 * pbw pulse_len = tb / b # calculate number of samples in pulse n = int(np.ceil(pulse_len / dt / 2) * 2) om = 2 * np.pi * 4257 * pbc # modulation freq to center profile at pbc t = np.arange(0, n) * pulse_len / n - pulse_len / 2 om1 = np.zeros((2 * n, g)) dom = np.zeros((2 * n, g)) for gind in range(1, g + 1): # design filter h = bsf*slr.dz_gslider_b(n, g, gind, tb, d1, d2, np.pi, n // 4) # modulate filter to center and add it to a time-reversed and modulated # copy, then take the imaginary part to get an odd filter h = np.imag(h * np.exp(1j * om * t) - h[n::-1] * np.exp(1j * -om * t)) if split_and_reflect: # split and flip fm waveform to improve large-tip accuracy dom[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((h[n // 2::-1], h, h[n:n // 2:-1])) / 2 else: dom[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((0 * h[n // 2::-1], h, 0 * h[n:n // 2:-1])) # build am waveform om1[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((-np.ones(n // 2), np.ones(n), -np.ones(n // 2))) # scale to target flip, convert to Hz dom = dom / (2 * np.pi * dt) return om1, dom
[docs]def dz_b1_hadamard_rf(dt=2e-6, g=8, tb=16, ptype='st', flip=np.pi / 6, pbw=2, pbc=2, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, split_and_reflect=True): """Design a :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective Hadamard-encoded pulse following \ Grissom JMR 2014. Args: dt (float): hardware sampling dwell time in s. g (int): number of slabs to be acquired. tb (int): time-bandwidth product. ptype (string): pulse type, 'st' (small-tip excitation), 'ex' (pi/2 \ excitation pulse), 'se' (spin-echo pulse), 'inv' (inversion), or \ 'sat' (pi/2 saturation pulse). flip (float): flip angle, in radians. pbw (float): width of passband in Gauss. pbc (float): center of passband in Gauss. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:`M_0^{-1}`. split_and_reflect (bool): option to split and reflect designed pulse. Split-and-reflect preserves pulse selectivity when scaled to excite large tip-angles. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **om1** (*array*): AM waveform. - **dom** (*array*): FM waveform (radians/s). References: Grissom, W., Cao, Z., & Does, M. (2014). :math:`B_1^{+}`-selective excitation pulse design using the Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 242, 189-196. """ # calculate beta filter ripple [_, d1, d2] = slr.calc_ripples(ptype, d1, d2) bsf = flip # calculate pulse duration b = 4257 * pbw pulse_len = tb / b # calculate number of samples in pulse n = int(np.ceil(pulse_len / dt / 2) * 2) # modulation frequency to center profile at pbc gauss om = 2 * np.pi * 4257 * pbc t = np.arange(0, n) * pulse_len / n - pulse_len / 2 om1 = np.zeros((2 * n, g)) dom = np.zeros((2 * n, g)) for gind in range(1, g + 1): # design filter h = bsf*slr.dz_hadamard_b(n, g, gind, tb, d1, d2, n // 4) # modulate filter to center and add it to a time-reversed and modulated # copy, then take the imaginary part to get an odd filter h = np.imag(h * np.exp(1j * om * t) - h[n::-1] * np.exp(1j * -om * t)) if split_and_reflect: # split and flip fm waveform to improve large-tip accuracy dom[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((h[n // 2::-1], h, h[n:n // 2:-1])) / 2 else: dom[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((0 * h[n // 2::-1], h, 0 * h[n:n // 2:-1])) # build am waveform om1[:, gind - 1] = np.concatenate((-np.ones(n // 2), np.ones(n), -np.ones(n // 2))) # scale to target flip, convert to Hz dom = dom / (2 * np.pi * dt) return om1, dom