Source code for sigpy.mri.linop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MRI linear operators.

This module mainly contains the Sense linear operator,
which integrates multi-channel coil sensitivity maps and
discrete Fourier transform.

import sigpy as sp

[docs]def Sense( mps, coord=None, weights=None, tseg=None, ishape=None, coil_batch_size=None, comm=None, transp_nufft=False, ): """Sense linear operator. Args: mps (array): sensitivity maps of length = number of channels. coord (None or array): coordinates. weights (None or array): k-space weights. Useful for soft-gating or density compensation. tseg (None or Dictionary): parameters for time-segmented off-resonance correction. Parameters are 'b0' (array), 'dt' (float), 'lseg' (int), and 'n_bins' (int). Lseg is the number of time segments used, and n_bins is the number of histogram bins. ishape (None or tuple): image shape. coil_batch_size (None or int): batch size for processing multi-channel. When None, process all coils at the same time. Useful for saving memory. comm (None or `sigpy.Communicator`): communicator for distributed computing. """ # Get image shape and dimension. num_coils = len(mps) if ishape is None: ishape = mps.shape[1:] img_ndim = mps.ndim - 1 else: img_ndim = len(ishape) # Serialize linop if coil_batch_size is smaller than num_coils. num_coils = len(mps) if coil_batch_size is None: coil_batch_size = num_coils if coil_batch_size < len(mps): num_coil_batches = (num_coils + coil_batch_size - 1) // coil_batch_size A = sp.linop.Vstack( [ Sense( mps[c * coil_batch_size : ((c + 1) * coil_batch_size)], coord=coord, weights=weights, ishape=ishape, ) for c in range(num_coil_batches) ], axis=0, ) if comm is not None: C = sp.linop.AllReduceAdjoint(ishape, comm, in_place=True) A = A * C return A # Create Sense linear operator S = sp.linop.Multiply(ishape, mps) if tseg is None: if coord is None: F = sp.linop.FFT(S.oshape, axes=range(-img_ndim, 0)) else: if transp_nufft is False: F = sp.linop.NUFFT(S.oshape, coord) else: F = sp.linop.NUFFT(S.oshape, -coord).H A = F * S # If B0 provided, perform time-segmented off-resonance compensation else: if transp_nufft is False: F = sp.linop.NUFFT(S.oshape, coord) else: F = sp.linop.NUFFT(S.oshape, -coord).H time = len(coord) * tseg["dt"] b, ct = sp.mri.util.tseg_off_res_b_ct( tseg["b0"], tseg["n_bins"], tseg["lseg"], tseg["dt"], time ) for ii in range(tseg["lseg"]): Bi = sp.linop.Multiply(F.oshape, b[:, ii]) Cti = sp.linop.Multiply(S.ishape, ct[:, ii].reshape(S.ishape)) # operation below is effectively A = A + Bi * F(Cti * S) if ii == 0: A = Bi * F * S * Cti else: A = A + Bi * F * S * Cti if weights is not None: with sp.get_device(weights): P = sp.linop.Multiply(F.oshape, weights**0.5) A = P * A if comm is not None: C = sp.linop.AllReduceAdjoint(ishape, comm, in_place=True) A = A * C A.repr_str = "Sense" return A
[docs]def ConvSense( img_ker_shape, mps_ker, coord=None, weights=None, grd_shape=None, comm=None ): """Convolution linear operator with sensitivity maps kernel in k-space. Args: img_ker_shape (tuple of ints): image kernel shape. mps_ker (array): sensitivity maps kernel. coord (array): coordinates. grd_shape (None or list): Shape of grid. """ ndim = len(img_ker_shape) num_coils = mps_ker.shape[0] mps_ker = mps_ker.reshape((num_coils, 1) + mps_ker.shape[1:]) R = sp.linop.Reshape((1,) + tuple(img_ker_shape), img_ker_shape) C = sp.linop.ConvolveData( R.oshape, mps_ker, mode="valid", multi_channel=True ) A = C * R if coord is not None: if grd_shape is None: grd_shape = sp.estimate_shape(coord) else: grd_shape = list(grd_shape) grd_shape = [num_coils] + grd_shape iF = sp.linop.IFFT(grd_shape, axes=range(-ndim, 0)) N = sp.linop.NUFFT(grd_shape, coord) A = N * iF * A if weights is not None: with sp.get_device(weights): P = sp.linop.Multiply(A.oshape, weights**0.5) A = P * A if comm is not None: C = sp.linop.AllReduceAdjoint(img_ker_shape, comm, in_place=True) A = A * C return A
[docs]def ConvImage( mps_ker_shape, img_ker, coord=None, weights=None, grd_shape=None ): """Convolution linear operator with image kernel in k-space. Args: mps_ker_shape (tuple of ints): sensitivity maps kernel shape. img_ker (array): image kernel. coord (array): coordinates. grd_shape (None or list): Shape of grid. """ ndim = img_ker.ndim num_coils = mps_ker_shape[0] img_ker = img_ker.reshape((1,) + img_ker.shape) R = sp.linop.Reshape( (num_coils, 1) + tuple(mps_ker_shape[1:]), mps_ker_shape ) C = sp.linop.ConvolveFilter( R.oshape, img_ker, mode="valid", multi_channel=True ) A = C * R if coord is not None: num_coils = mps_ker_shape[0] if grd_shape is None: grd_shape = sp.estimate_shape(coord) else: grd_shape = list(grd_shape) grd_shape = [num_coils] + grd_shape iF = sp.linop.IFFT(grd_shape, axes=range(-ndim, 0)) N = sp.linop.NUFFT(grd_shape, coord) A = N * iF * A if weights is not None: with sp.get_device(weights): P = sp.linop.Multiply(A.oshape, weights**0.5) A = P * A return A