(im, x=-1, y=-2, z=None, c=None, hide_axes=False, mode=None, colormap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, title='', interpolation='nearest', save_basename='Figure', fps=10)[source]¶ Plot array as image.
Press ‘h’ for a menu for hotkeys.
Parameters: - im (array) – image numpy/cupy array.
- x (int) – x axis.
- y (int) – y axis.
- z (None or int) – z axis.
- c (None or int) – color axis.
- hide_axes (bool) – toggle hiding axes, labels and title.
- mode (str) – specify magnitude, phase, real, imaginary, and log mode. {‘m’, ‘p’, ‘r’, ‘i’, ‘l’}.
- title (str) – title.
- interpolation (str) – plot interpolation.
- save_basename (str) – saved png, gif, and video base name.
- fps (int) – frame per seconds for gif and video.
(im, x=-1, y=-2, z=None, c=None, hide_axes=False, mode=None, colormap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, title='', interpolation='nearest', save_basename='Figure', fps=10)[source]¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
(im[, x, y, z, c, hide_axes, mode, …])Initialize self. key_press