Source code for sigpy.wavelet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Wavelet transform functions.
import numpy as np
import pywt

from sigpy import backend, util

__all__ = ["fwt", "iwt"]

def get_wavelet_shape(shape, wave_name="db4", axes=None, level=None):
    zshape = [((i + 1) // 2) * 2 for i in shape]

    tmp = pywt.wavedecn(
        np.zeros(zshape), wave_name, mode="zero", axes=axes, level=level
    tmp, coeff_slices = pywt.coeffs_to_array(tmp, axes=axes)
    oshape = tmp.shape

    return oshape, coeff_slices

[docs]def fwt(input, wave_name="db4", axes=None, level=None): """Forward wavelet transform. Args: input (array): Input array. axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform wavelet transform. wave_name (str): Wavelet name. level (None or int): Number of wavelet levels. """ device = backend.get_device(input) input = backend.to_device(input, backend.cpu_device) zshape = [((i + 1) // 2) * 2 for i in input.shape] zinput = util.resize(input, zshape) coeffs = pywt.wavedecn( zinput, wave_name, mode="zero", axes=axes, level=level ) output, _ = pywt.coeffs_to_array(coeffs, axes=axes) output = backend.to_device(output, device) return output
[docs]def iwt(input, oshape, coeff_slices, wave_name="db4", axes=None, level=None): """Inverse wavelet transform. Args: input (array): Input array. oshape (tuple of ints): Output shape. coeff_slices (list of slice): Slices to split coefficients. axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform wavelet transform. wave_name (str): Wavelet name. level (None or int): Number of wavelet levels. """ device = backend.get_device(input) input = backend.to_device(input, backend.cpu_device) input = pywt.array_to_coeffs(input, coeff_slices, output_format="wavedecn") output = pywt.waverecn(input, wave_name, mode="zero", axes=axes) output = util.resize(output, oshape) output = backend.to_device(output, device) return output