Source code for sigpy.thresh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Thresholding functions.
import numba as nb
import numpy as np

from sigpy import backend, config, util

__all__ = [

[docs]def soft_thresh(lamda, input): r"""Soft threshold. Performs: .. math:: (| x | - \lambda)_+ \text{sgn}(x) Args: lamda (float, or array): Threshold parameter. input (array) Returns: array: soft-thresholded result. """ device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp if xp == np: return _soft_thresh(lamda, input) else: # pragma: no cover if np.isscalar(lamda): lamda = backend.to_device(lamda, device) return _soft_thresh_cuda(lamda, input)
[docs]def hard_thresh(lamda, input): """Hard threshold. Args: lamda (float, or array): Threshold parameter. input (array) Returns: array: hard-thresholded result. """ device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp if xp == np: return _hard_thresh(lamda, input) else: # pragma: no cover if np.isscalar(lamda): lamda = backend.to_device(lamda, device) return _hard_thresh_cuda(lamda, input)
[docs]def l1_proj(eps, input): """Projection onto L1 ball. Args: eps (float, or array): L1 ball scaling. input (array) Returns: array: Result. References: J. Duchi, S. Shalev-Shwartz, and Y. Singer, "Efficient projections onto the l1-ball for learning in high dimensions" 2008. """ xp = backend.get_array_module(input) shape = input.shape input = input.ravel() if xp.linalg.norm(input, 1) < eps: return input else: size = len(input) s = xp.sort(xp.abs(input))[::-1] st = (xp.cumsum(s) - eps) / (xp.arange(size) + 1) idx = xp.flatnonzero((s - st) > 0).max() return soft_thresh(st[idx], input.reshape(shape))
[docs]def l2_proj(eps, input, axes=None): """Projection onto L2 ball. Args: eps (float, or array): L2 ball scaling. input (array) Returns: array: Result. """ axes = util._normalize_axes(axes, input.ndim) xp = backend.get_array_module(input) norm = xp.sum(xp.abs(input) ** 2, axis=axes, keepdims=True) ** 0.5 mask = norm < eps output = mask * input + (1 - mask) * (eps * input / (norm + mask)) return output
[docs]def linf_proj(eps, input, bias=None): """Projection onto L-infinity ball. Args: eps (float, or array): l-infinity ball scaling. input (array) Returns: array: Result. """ if bias is not None: input = input - bias output = input - soft_thresh(eps, input) if bias is not None: output += bias return output
[docs]def psd_proj(input): """Projection onto postiive semi-definite matrices. Args: input (array): a two-dimensional matrix. Returns: array: Result. """ xp = backend.get_array_module(input) w, v = xp.linalg.eig((input + xp.conj(input).T) / 2) w[w < 0] = 0 return (v * w) @ v.conjugate().T
@nb.vectorize # pragma: no cover def _soft_thresh(lamda, input): abs_input = abs(input) if abs_input == 0: sign = 0 else: sign = input / abs_input mag = abs_input - lamda mag = (abs(mag) + mag) / 2 return mag * sign @nb.vectorize # pragma: no cover def _hard_thresh(lamda, input): abs_input = abs(input) if abs_input > lamda: return input else: return 0 if config.cupy_enabled: # pragma: no cover import cupy as cp _soft_thresh_cuda = cp.ElementwiseKernel( "S lamda, T input", "T output", """ S abs_input = abs(input); T sign; if (abs_input == 0) sign = 0; else sign = input / (T) abs_input; S mag = abs_input - lamda; mag = (abs(mag) + mag) / 2.; output = (T) mag * sign; """, name="soft_thresh", ) _hard_thresh_cuda = cp.ElementwiseKernel( "S lamda, T input", "T output", """ S abs_input = abs(input); if (abs_input > lamda) output = input; else output = 0; """, name="hard_thresh", )