Source code for sigpy.mri.rf.trajgrad

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MRI gradient and excitation trajectory design

import math

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, interpolate

__all__ = [

[docs]def min_trap_grad(area, gmax, dgdt, dt): r"""Minimal duration trapezoidal gradient designer. Design for target area under the flat portion (for non-ramp-sampled pulses) Args: area (float): pulse area in (g*sec)/cm gmax (float): maximum gradient in g/cm dgdt (float): max slew rate in g/cm/sec dt (float): sample time in sec Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **trap** (*array*): gradient waveform in g/cm. - **ramppts** (*int*): number of points in ramps. """ if np.abs(area) > 0: # we get the solution for plateau amp by setting derivative of # duration as a function of amplitude to zero and solving a = np.sqrt(dgdt * area / 2) # finish design with discretization # make a flat portion of magnitude a and enough area for the swath pts = np.floor(area / a / dt) flat = np.ones((1, int(pts))) flat = flat / np.sum(flat) * area / dt if np.max(flat) > gmax: flat = np.ones((1, int(np.ceil(area / gmax / dt)))) flat = flat / np.sum(flat) * area / dt # make attack and decay ramps ramppts = int(np.ceil(np.max(flat) / dgdt / dt)) ramp_up = ( np.linspace(0, ramppts, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts * np.max(flat) ) ramp_dn = ( np.linspace(ramppts, 0, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts * np.max(flat) ) trap = np.concatenate((ramp_up, np.squeeze(flat), ramp_dn)) else: # negative-area trap requested? trap, ramppts = 0, 0 return np.expand_dims(trap, axis=0), ramppts
[docs]def trap_grad(area, gmax, dgdt, dt, *args): r"""General trapezoidal gradient designer for total target area (for rewinders) Args: area (float): pulse area in (g*sec)/cm gmax (float): maximum gradient in g/cm dgdt (float): max slew rate in g/cm/sec dt (float): sample time in sec Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **trap** (*array*): gradient waveform in g/cm. - **ramppts** (*int*): number of points in ramps. """ if len(args) < 5: # in case we are making a rewinder rampsamp = 1 if np.abs(area) > 0: if rampsamp: ramppts = int(np.ceil(gmax / dgdt / dt)) triareamax = ramppts * dt * gmax if triareamax > np.abs(area): # triangle pulse newgmax = np.sqrt(np.abs(area) * dgdt) ramppts = int(np.ceil(newgmax / dgdt / dt)) ramp_up = np.linspace(0, ramppts, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts ramp_dn = np.linspace(ramppts, 0, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts pulse = np.concatenate((ramp_up, ramp_dn)) else: # trapezoid pulse nflat = int(np.ceil((area - triareamax) / gmax / dt / 2) * 2) ramp_up = np.linspace(0, ramppts, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts ramp_dn = np.linspace(ramppts, 0, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts pulse = np.concatenate((ramp_up, np.ones(nflat), ramp_dn)) trap = pulse * (area / (sum(pulse) * dt)) else: # make a flat portion of magnitude gmax # and enough area for the entire swath flat = np.ones(1, np.ceil(area / gmax / dt)) flat = flat / sum(flat) * area / dt flat_top = np.max(flat) # make attack and decay ramps ramppts = int(np.ceil(np.max(flat) / dgdt / dt)) ramp_up = ( np.linspace(0, ramppts, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts * flat_top ) ramp_dn = ( np.linspace(ramppts, 0, num=ramppts + 1) / ramppts * flat_top ) trap = np.concatenate((ramp_up, flat, ramp_dn)) else: trap, ramppts = 0, 0 return np.expand_dims(trap, axis=0), ramppts
[docs]def spiral_varden( fov, res, gts, gslew, gamp, densamp, dentrans, nl, rewinder=False ): r"""Variable density spiral designer. Produces trajectory, gradients, and slew rate. Gradient units returned are in g/cm, g/cm/s Args: fov (float): imaging field of view (cm). res (float): imaging isotropic resolution (cm). gts (float): gradient sample time in sec. gslew (float): max slew rate in g/cm/s. gamp (float): max gradient amplitude in g/cm. densamp (float): duration of full density sampling (# of samples). dentrans (float): duration of transition from higher to lower (should be >= densamp/2). nl (float): degree of undersampling outer region. rewinder (Boolean): if True, include rewinder. If false, exclude. Returns: tuple: (g, k, t, s, dens) tuple containing - **g** - (array): gradient waveform [g/cm] - **k** - (array): exact k-space corresponding to gradient g. - **time** - (array): sampled time - **s** - (array): slew rate [g/cm/s] - **dens** - (array): undersampling factor at each time point. References: Code and algorithm based on spiralgradlx6 from Doug Noll, U. of Michigan BME """ fsgcm = gamp # fullscale g/cm risetime = gamp / gslew * 10000 # us ts = gts # sampling time gts = gts # gradient sampling time N = np.floor(fov / res) targetk = N / 2 A = 32766 # output scaling of waveform (fullscale) max_dec_ratio = 32 gam = 4257.0 S = (gts / 1e-6) * A / risetime dr = ts / gts OMF = 2.0 * np.pi * fov / (1 / (gam * fsgcm * gts)) OM = 2.0 * np.pi / nl * fov / (1 / (gam * fsgcm * gts)) distance = 1.0 / (fov * gam * fsgcm * gts / A) ac = A loop = 1 absk = 0 dec_ratio = 1 s0 = gslew * 100 ggx, ggy = [], [] dens = [] kx, ky = [], [] while loop > 0: loop = 0 om = OM / dec_ratio omf = OMF / dec_ratio s = S / dec_ratio g0 = 0 gx = g0 gy = 0 absg = np.abs(g0) oldkx = 0 oldky = 0 tkx = gx tky = gy kxt = tkx kyt = tky thetan_1 = 0 taun = 0 n = 0 den1 = 0 while absk < targetk: realn = n / dec_ratio taun_1 = taun taun = np.abs(tkx + 1j * tky) / A tauhat = taun if realn > densamp: if den1 == 0: den1 = 1 if realn > densamp + dentrans: if "scthat" not in locals(): scthat = 0 scoffset = scthat denoffset = taun_1 scthat = scoffset + om * (tauhat - denoffset) fractrans = 1 else: scoffset = scthat denoffset = taun_1 fractrans = (realn - densamp) / dentrans fractrans = 1 - ((fractrans - 1) * (fractrans - 1)) scthat = omf + (om - omf) * fractrans scthat *= tauhat - denoffset scthat += scoffset else: fractrans = 0 scthat = omf * tauhat theta = np.arctan2(scthat, 1.0) + scthat if absg < ac: deltheta = theta - thetan_1 B = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.tan(deltheta) * np.tan(deltheta)) gtilde = absg t1 = s * s t2 = gtilde * gtilde * (1 - B) if t2 > t1: dec_ratio = dec_ratio * 2.0 if dec_ratio > max_dec_ratio: print("k-space calculation failed.\n") return loop = 1 break t3 = np.sqrt(t1 - t2) absg = np.sqrt(B) * gtilde + t3 if absg > ac: absg = ac tgx = absg * np.cos(theta) tgy = absg * np.sin(theta) tkx += tgx tky += tgy thetan_1 = theta if np.remainder(n, dec_ratio) == 0: m = int(np.round(n / dec_ratio)) gx = np.round((tkx - oldkx) / dec_ratio) gx = gx - np.remainder(gx, 2) gy = np.round((tky - oldky) / dec_ratio) gy = gy - np.remainder(gy, 2) if m > len(ggx) - 1: ggx.append(gx) ggy.append(gy) else: ggx[m] = gx ggy[m] = gy kxt = kxt + gx kyt = kyt + gy oldkx = tkx oldky = tky if np.remainder(m, dr) == 0: m = int(m / dr) absk = np.abs(kxt + 1j * kyt) / distance if m > len(dens) - 1: dens.append(omf / (omf + (om - omf) * fractrans)) if absk > targetk: break kx.append(kxt / distance) ky.append(kyt / distance) else: dens[m] = omf / (omf + (om - omf) * fractrans) if absk > targetk: break kx[m] = kxt / distance ky[m] = kyt / distance n += 1 g = [] for i in range(len(ggx)): g.append(complex(ggx[i], ggy[i]) / A * fsgcm) dt = gts * 1000 delk = 1 / 4.258 / fov # (g ms)/cm # ramp down l2 = len(g) - 1 rsteps = int(np.ceil(np.abs(g[l2]) / (s0 * 0.99) / gts)) ind3 = l2 + np.linspace(1, rsteps, num=rsteps) c = g[l2] * np.linspace(rsteps, 0, num=rsteps) / rsteps g.extend(c) dens.extend([0] * len(ind3)) # rewinder if rewinder: rewx, ramppts = np.squeeze( trap_grad(abs(np.real(sum(g))) * gts, gamp, gslew * 50, gts) ) rewy, ramppts = np.squeeze( trap_grad(abs(np.imag(sum(g))) * gts, gamp, gslew * 50, gts) ) # append rewinder gradient if len(rewx) > len(rewy): r = -np.sign(np.real(sum(g))) * rewx p = np.sign(np.imag(sum(g))) p *= 1j * np.abs(np.imag(sum(g))) / np.real(sum(g)) * rewx r -= p else: p = -np.sign(np.real(sum(g))) p *= np.abs(np.real(sum(g)) / np.imag(sum(g))) * rewy r = p - 1j * np.sign(np.imag(sum(g))) * rewy g = np.concatenate((g, r)) # change from (real, imag) notation to (Nt, 2) notation gtemp = np.zeros((len(g), 2)) gtemp[:, 0] = np.real(g) gtemp[:, 1] = np.imag(g) g = gtemp # calculate trajectory, slew rate factor from designed gradient k = np.cumsum(g, axis=0) * dt / delk / fov # trajectory t = np.linspace(0, len(g), num=len(g) + 1) # time vector s = np.diff(g, axis=0) / (gts * 1000) # slew rate factor return g, k, t, s, dens
[docs]def spiral_arch(fov, res, gts, gslew, gamp): r"""Analytic Archimedean spiral designer. Produces trajectory, gradients, and slew rate. Gradient returned has units mT/m. Args: fov (float): imaging field of view in m. res (float): resolution, in m. gts (float): sample time in s. gslew (float): max slew rate in mT/m/ms. gamp (float): max gradient amplitude in mT/m. Returns: tuple: (g, k, t, s) tuple containing - **g** - (array): gradient waveform [mT/m] - **k** - (array): exact k-space corresponding to gradient g. - **time** - (array): sampled time - **s** - (array): slew rate [mT/m/ms] References: Glover, G. H.(1999). Simple Analytic Spiral K-Space Algorithm. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 42, 412-415. Bernstein, M.A.; King, K.F.; amd Zhou, X.J. (2004). Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences. Elsevier. """ gam = 267.522 * 1e6 / 1000 # rad/s/mT gambar = gam / 2 / np.pi # Hz/mT N = int(fov / res) # effective matrix size lam = 1 / (2 * np.pi * fov) beta = gambar * gslew / lam kmax = N / (2 * fov) a_2 = (9 * beta / 4) ** (1 / 3) # rad ** (1/3) / s ** (2/3) lamb = 5 theta_max = kmax / lam ts = (3 * gam * gamp / (4 * np.pi * lam * a_2**2)) ** 3 theta_s = 0.5 * beta * ts**2 theta_s /= lamb + beta / (2 * a_2) * ts ** (4 / 3) t_g = np.pi * lam * (theta_max**2 - theta_s**2) / (gam * gamp) n_s = int(np.round(ts / gts)) n_g = int(np.round(t_g / gts)) if theta_max > theta_s: print(" Spiral trajectory is slewrate limited or amplitude limited") tacq = ts + t_g t_s = np.linspace(0, ts, n_s) t_g = np.linspace(ts + gts, tacq, n_g) theta_1 = beta / 2 * t_s**2 theta_1 /= lamb + beta / (2 * a_2) * t_s ** (4 / 3) theta_2 = theta_s**2 + gam / (np.pi * lam) * gamp * (t_g - ts) theta_2 = np.sqrt(theta_2) k1 = lam * theta_1 * (np.cos(theta_1) + 1j * np.sin(theta_1)) k2 = lam * theta_2 * (np.cos(theta_2) + 1j * np.sin(theta_2)) k = np.concatenate((k1, k2), axis=0) else: tacq = 2 * np.pi * fov / 3 * np.sqrt(np.pi / (gam * gslew * res**3)) n_t = int(np.round(tacq / gts)) t_s = np.linspace(0, tacq, n_t) theta_1 = beta / 2 * t_s**2 theta_1 /= lamb + beta / (2 * a_2) * t_s ** (4 / 3) k = lam * theta_1 * (np.cos(theta_1) + 1j * np.sin(theta_1)) # end of trajectory calculation; prepare outputs g = np.diff(k, 1, axis=0) / (gts * gambar) # gradient g = np.pad(g, (0, 1), "constant") s = np.diff(g, 1, axis=0) / (gts * 1000) # slew rate factor s = np.pad(s, (0, 1), "constant") # change from (real, imag) notation to (Nt, 2) notation k = traj_complex_to_array(k) g = traj_complex_to_array(g) s = traj_complex_to_array(s) t = np.linspace(0, len(g), num=len(g) + 1) # time vector return g, k, t, s
[docs]def epi(fov, n, etl, dt, gamp, gslew, offset=0, dirx=-1, diry=1): r"""Basic EPI single-shot trajectory designer. Args: fov (float): imaging field of view in cm. n (int): # of pixels (square). N = etl*nl, where etl = echo-train-len and nl = # leaves (shots). nl default 1. etl (int): echo train length. dt (float): sample time in s. gamp (float): max gradient amplitude in mT/m. gslew (float): max slew rate in mT/m/ms. offset (int): used for multi-shot EPI goes from 0 to #shots-1 dirx (int): x direction of EPI -1 left to right, 1 right to left diry (int): y direction of EPI -1 bottom-top, 1 top-bottom Returns: tuple: (g, k, t, s) tuple containing - **g** - (array): gradient waveform [mT/m] - **k** - (array): exact k-space corresponding to gradient g. - **time** - (array): sampled time - **s** - (array): slew rate [mT/m/ms] References: From Antonis Matakos' contrib to Jeff Fessler's IRT. """ s = gslew * dt * 1000 scaley = 20 # make the various gradient waveforms gamma = 4.2575 # kHz/Gauss g = (1 / (1000 * dt)) / (gamma * fov) # Gauss/cm if g > gamp: g = gamp print("max g reduced to {}".format(g)) # readout trapezoid gxro = g * np.ones((1, n)) # plateau of readout trapezoid areapd = np.sum(gxro) * dt ramp = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(s, g, int(g / s)), axis=0) gxro = np.concatenate( (np.expand_dims(np.array([0]), axis=1), ramp, gxro, np.fliplr(ramp)), axis=1, ) # x prewinder. make sure res_kpre is even. Handle even N by changing prew. if n % 2 == 0: area = (np.sum(gxro) - dirx * g) * dt else: area = np.sum(gxro) * dt gxprew = dirx * trap_grad(area / 2, gamp, gslew * 1000, dt)[0] gxprew = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, (gxprew.size + ramp.size) % 2)), gxprew), axis=1 ) # partial dephaser (one cycle of phase across each voxel) gxpd = -trap_grad(areapd / 2, gamp, gslew * 1000, dt)[0] gxpd = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, gxpd.size % 2)), gxpd), axis=1) # phase-encode trapezoids before/after gx # handle even N by changing prewinder if n % 2 == 0: areayprew = areapd / 2 - offset * g * dt else: areayprew = (areapd - g * dt) / 2 - offset * g * dt gyprew = diry * trap_grad(areayprew, gamp, gslew / scaley * 1000, dt)[0] gyprew = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, gyprew.size % 2)), gyprew), axis=1) lx = gxpd.size ly = gyprew.size if lx > ly: gyprew = np.concatenate((gyprew, np.zeros((1, lx - ly))), axis=1) else: gxpd = np.concatenate((gxpd, np.zeros((1, ly - lx))), axis=1) # gy readout gradient elements # changed readout patterns to create interleaved EPIs areagyblip = areapd / etl gyblip = trap_grad(areagyblip, gamp, gslew / scaley * 1000, dt)[0] gyro = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, gxro.size - gyblip.size)), gyblip), axis=1 ) gyro2 = np.expand_dims(np.array([0]), axis=1) # put together gx and gy gxro = -dirx * gxro gx = gxprew gyro = -diry * gyro gyro2 = -diry * gyro2 gy = np.expand_dims(np.array([0]), axis=1) lx = gx.size ly = gy.size if lx > ly: gy = np.concatenate((gy, np.zeros((1, lx - ly))), axis=1) else: gx = np.concatenate((gx, np.zeros((1, ly - lx))), axis=1) gy = np.concatenate((gy, np.zeros((1, int(gyblip.size / 2)))), axis=1) for ee in range(1, etl): flip = (-1) ** (ee + 1) gx = np.concatenate((gx, flip * gxro), axis=1) gy = np.concatenate((gy, gyro), axis=1) if etl == 1: ee = 1 else: ee += 1 # concatenate with added 0 to limit max s gx = np.concatenate( (gx, (-(1 ** (ee + 1)) * gxro), np.expand_dims(np.array([0]), axis=1)), axis=1, ) gy = np.concatenate((gy, np.zeros((1, gx.size - gy.size))), axis=1) # add rephasers at end of gx and gy readout areagx = np.sum(gx) * dt gxrep = trap_grad(-areagx, gamp, gslew * 1000, dt)[0] gx = np.concatenate((gx, gxrep), axis=1) areagy = np.sum(gy) * dt # units = G/cm*s gyrep = trap_grad(-areagy, gamp, gslew / scaley * 1000, dt)[0] gy = np.concatenate((gy, gyrep), axis=1) # make sure length of gx and gy are same, and even lx = gx.size ly = gy.size if lx > ly: gy = np.concatenate((gy, np.zeros((1, lx - ly))), axis=1) else: gx = np.concatenate((gx, np.zeros((1, ly - lx))), axis=1) gx = np.concatenate((gx, np.zeros((1, gx.size % 2))), axis=1) gy = np.concatenate((gy, np.zeros((1, gy.size % 2))), axis=1) g = np.concatenate((gx, gy), axis=0) sx = np.diff(gx, axis=1) / (dt * 1000) sy = np.diff(gy, axis=1) / (dt * 1000) s = np.concatenate((sx, sy), axis=0) kx = np.cumsum(gx, axis=1) * gamma * dt * 1000 ky = np.cumsum(gy, axis=1) * gamma * dt * 1000 k = np.concatenate((kx, ky), axis=0) t = np.linspace(0, kx.size, kx.size) * dt return g, k, t, s
[docs]def rosette(kmax, w1, w2, dt, dur, gamp=None, gslew=None): r"""Basic rosette trajectory designer. Args: kmax (float): 1/m. w1 (float): rotational frequency (Hz). w2 (float): center sampling frequency (Hz). dt (float): sample time (s). dur (float): total duration (s). gamp (float): max gradient amplitude (mT/m). gslew (float): max slew rate (mT/m/ms). Returns: tuple: (g, k, t, s) tuple containing - **g** - (array): gradient waveform [mT/m] - **k** - (array): exact k-space corresponding to gradient g. - **time** - (array): sampled time - **s** - (array): slew rate [mT/m/ms] References: D. C. Noll, 'Multi-shot rosette trajectories for spectrally selective MR imaging.' IEEE Trans. Med Imaging 16, 372-377 (1997). """ # check if violates gradient or slew rate constraints gam = 267.522 * 1e6 / 1000 # rad/s/mT gambar = gam / 2 / np.pi # Hz/mT if gamp is not None: if (1 / gambar) * kmax * w1 > gamp: print("gmax exceeded, decrease rosette kmax or w1") return if gslew is not None: if (1 / gambar) * kmax * (w1**2 + w2**2) / 1000 > gslew: print("smax exceeded, dcrease rosette kmax, w1, or w2") return t = np.linspace(0, dur, dur / dt) k = kmax * np.sin(w1 * t) * np.exp(1j * w2 * t) # end of trajectory calculation; prepare outputs g = np.diff(k, 1, axis=0) / (dt * gambar) # gradient g = np.pad(g, (0, 1), "constant") s = np.diff(g, 1, axis=0) / (dt * 1000) # slew rate factor s = np.pad(s, (0, 1), "constant") # change from (real, imag) notation to (Nt, 2) notation k = traj_complex_to_array(k) g = traj_complex_to_array(g) s = traj_complex_to_array(s) t = np.linspace(0, len(g), num=len(g) + 1) # time vector return g, k, t, s
[docs]def spokes_grad(k, tbw, sl_thick, gmax, dgdtmax, gts): r"""Spokes gradient designer. Given some chosen spoke locations k, return the gradients required to move between those spoke locations. Args: k (array): spokes locations, [Nspokes, 2] tbw (int): time bandwidth product. sl_thick (float): slice thickness (mm). gmax (float): max gradient amplitude (g/cm). dgdtmax (float): max gradient slew (g/cm/s). gts (float): hardware sampling dwell time (s). Returns: g (array): gz, gy, and gz waveforms in g/cm [3, Nt] References: Grissom, W., Khalighi, M., Sacolick, L., Rutt, B. & Vogel, M (2012). Small-tip-angle spokes pulse design using interleaved greedy and local optimization methods. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68(5), 1553-62. """ n_spokes = k.shape[0] area = tbw / (sl_thick / 10) / 4257 # thick * kwid = twb, kwid = gam*area [subgz, nramp] = min_trap_grad(area, gmax, dgdtmax, gts) # calc gradient, add extra 0 location at end for return to (0, 0) gxarea = np.diff(np.concatenate((k[:, 0], np.zeros(1)))) / 4257 gyarea = np.diff(np.concatenate((k[:, 1], np.zeros(1)))) / 4257 gx, gy, gz = [], [], [] gz_sign = -1 for ii in range(n_spokes): gz_sign *= -1 gz.extend(np.squeeze(gz_sign * subgz).tolist()) # alt sign of gz gx.extend([0] * np.size(subgz)) # zeros for gz duration if np.absolute(gxarea[ii]) > 0: [gblip, _] = trap_grad(abs(gxarea[ii]), gmax, dgdtmax, gts) gxblip = int(np.sign(gxarea[ii])) * gblip gx = gx[: len(gx) - len(gxblip.T)] gx.extend(np.squeeze(gxblip).tolist()) gy.extend([0] * np.size(subgz)) if np.absolute(gyarea[ii]) > 0: [gblip, _] = trap_grad(abs(gyarea[ii]), gmax, dgdtmax, gts) gyblip = int(np.sign(gyarea[ii])) * gblip gy = gy[: len(gy) - len(gyblip.T)] gy.extend(np.squeeze(gyblip).tolist()) [gref, _] = trap_grad(gts * np.sum(subgz) / 2, gmax, dgdtmax, gts) gzref = -gref gz.extend(np.squeeze(gzref).tolist()) gx.extend([0] * np.size(gzref)) gy.extend([0] * np.size(gzref)) # combine gradient waveforms gx = np.array(gx) g = np.vstack((np.array(gx), np.array(gy), np.array(gz))) return g
[docs]def stack_of(k, num, zres): r"""Function for creating a 3D stack of ____ trajectory from a 2D [Nt 2] trajectory. Args: k (array): 2D array in [2 x Nt]. Will be bottom of stack. num (int): number of layers of stack. zres (float): spacing between stacks in cm. """ z = np.linspace(-num * zres / 2, num * zres / 2, num) kout = np.zeros((k.shape[0] * num, 3)) # we will be performing a complex rotation on our trajectory k = traj_array_to_complex(k) for ii in range(num): kr = k[0:] * np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * ii / num) z_coord = np.expand_dims(np.ones(len(kr)) * z[ii], axis=1) krz = np.concatenate((traj_complex_to_array(kr), z_coord), axis=1) kout[ii * len(krz) : (ii + 1) * len(krz), :] = krz return kout
[docs]def traj_complex_to_array(k): r"""Function to convert complex convention trajectory to [Nt 2] trajectory Args: k (complex array): Nt vector """ kout = np.zeros((len(k), 2)) kout[:, 0], kout[:, 1] = np.real(k), np.imag(k) return kout
[docs]def traj_array_to_complex(k): r"""Function to convert [Nt 2] convention traj to complex convention Args: k (complex array): Nt vector """ kout = k[:, 0] + 1j * k[:, 1] return kout
@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # pragma: no cover def runge_kutta( ds: float, st: float, kvals: np.ndarray, smax=None, gamma=4.257 ): r"""Runge-Kutta 4 for curve constrained Args: ds (float): spacing in arc length space st (float): output shape. kvals (array): 3 points of curve. smax (float): maximum slew gamma (float): gyromagnetic ratio Returns: float or None: step size dsdt or None """ temp = gamma**2 * smax**2 - abs(kvals[0]) ** 2 * st**4 if temp < 0.0: return None k1 = ds / st * math.sqrt(temp) temp = ( gamma**2 * smax**2 - abs(kvals[1]) ** 2 * (st + ds * k1 / 2) ** 4 ) if temp < 0.0: return None k2 = ds / (st + ds * k1 / 2) * math.sqrt(temp) temp = ( gamma**2 * smax**2 - abs(kvals[1]) ** 2 * (st + ds * k2 / 2) ** 4 ) if temp < 0.0: return None k3 = ds / (st + ds * k2 / 2) * math.sqrt(temp) temp = gamma**2 * smax**2 - abs(kvals[2]) ** 2 * (st + ds * k3) ** 4 if temp < 0.0: return None k4 = ds / (st + ds * k3) * math.sqrt(temp) return k1 / 6 + k2 / 3 + k3 / 3 + k4 / 6 # Arc length code translated from matlab # (c) Michael Lustig 2005 # modified 2006 and 2007 # Rewritten in Python in 2020 by Kevin Johnson
[docs]def min_time_gradient( c: np.ndarray, g0=0, gfin=None, gmax=4, smax=15, dt=4e-3, gamma=4.257 ): r""" Given a k-space trajectory c(n), gradient and slew constraints. This function will return a new parametrization that will meet these constraint while getting from one point to the other in minimum time. Args: c (array): Curve in k-space given in any parametrization [1/cm] Nx3 real array g0 (float): Initial gradient amplitude (leave empty for g0 = 0) gfin (float): Gradient value at the end of the trajectory. If not possible, the result would be the largest possible ampltude. (Leave empty if you don't care to get maximum gradient.) gmax (float): Maximum gradient [G/cm] (3.9 default) smax (float): Maximum slew [G/Cm/ms] (14.5 default) dt (float): Sampling time interval [ms] (4e-3 default) gamma (float): Gyromagnetic ratio Returns: tuple: (g, k, s, t) tuple containing - **g** - (array): gradient waveform [G/cm] - **k** - (array): exact k-space corresponding to gradient g. - **s** - (array): slew rate [G/cm/ms] - **time** - (array): sampled time References: Lustig M, Kim SJ, Pauly JM. A fast method for designing time-optimal gradient waveforms for arbitrary k-space trajectories. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2008;27(6):866-873. doi:10.1109/TMI.2008.922699 """ def sdotmax( cs: interpolate.CubicSpline, s: np.ndarray, gmax, smax, gamma=4.257 ): # [sdot, k, ] = sdotMax(PP, p_of_s, s, gmax, smax) # # Given a k-space curve C (in [1/cm] units), maximum gradient amplitude # (in G/cm) and maximum slew-rate (in G/(cm*ms)). # This function calculates the upper bound for the time parametrization # sdot (which is a non scaled max gradient constaint) as a function # of s. # # cs -- spline polynomial # p_of_s -- parametrization vs arclength # s -- arclength parametrization (0->1) # gmax -- maximum gradient (G/cm) # smax -- maximum slew rate (G/ cm*ms) # # returns the maximum sdot (1st derivative of s) as a function of # arclength s # Also, returns curvature as a function of s and length of curve (L) # # (c) Michael Lustig 2005 # last modified 2006 # Absolute value of 2nd derivative in curve space using cubic splines cs2 = cs.derivative(2) # spline derivative cs2_highres = cs2(s) # evaluated along arc length k = np.linalg.norm(cs2_highres, axis=1) # magnitude # calc I constraint curve (maximum gradient) sdot1 = gamma * gmax * np.ones_like(s) # calc II constraint curve (curve curvature dependent) sdot2 = np.sqrt(gamma * smax / (k + np.finfo(float).eps)) # calc total constraint sdot = np.minimum(sdot1, sdot2) return sdot, k # Curve in arbitrary paramater space, cubic spline num_p = c.shape[0] p = np.linspace(0, 1, num_p, endpoint=True) cp = interpolate.CubicSpline(p, c, axis=0) # Integrate absolute value to find length and s(arc) vs p(paramater) cp1_spline = cp.derivative() p_highres = np.linspace(0, 1, num_p * 10) cp1_highres = cp1_spline(p_highres) ds_p = np.linalg.norm(cp1_highres, axis=1) # s vs p to enable conversion s_of_p = integrate.cumtrapz(ds_p, p_highres, initial=0) curve_length = s_of_p[-1] # decide ds and compute st for the first point stt0 = gamma * smax # always assumes first point is max slew st0 = stt0 * dt / 8 # start at 1/8 the gradient for accuracy close to g=0 s0 = st0 * dt ds = s0 / 4.0 # smaller step size for numerical accuracy ns = int(curve_length / ds) if g0 is None: g0 = 0 # s is arc length at high resolution s = np.linspace(0, curve_length, ns, endpoint=True) # Cubic spline at s positions (s of p) cp_highres = cp(p_highres) cs = interpolate.CubicSpline(s_of_p, cp_highres, axis=0) # compute constraints (forbidden line curve) phi, k = sdotmax(cs, s, gmax, smax) # extend for the Runge-Kutte method k = np.pad(k, (0, 3), "constant", constant_values=(0,)) # Get the start sta = np.zeros_like(s) sta[0] = min(g0 * gamma + st0, gamma * gmax) # solve ODE forward for n in range(1, s.shape[0]): kpos = n dstds = runge_kutta(ds, sta[n - 1], k[kpos : kpos + 4], smax) if dstds is None: sta[n] = phi[n] else: tmpst = sta[n - 1] + dstds sta[n] = min(tmpst, phi[n]) stb = 0 * s if gfin is None: stb[-1] = sta[-1] else: stb[-1] = min(max(gfin * gamma, st0), gamma * gmax) # solve ODE backwards for n in range(s.shape[0] - 2, 0, -1): kpos_end = n # to 0 kpos = kpos_end + 3 dstds = runge_kutta(ds, stb[n + 1], k[kpos : (kpos - 3) : -1], smax) if dstds is None: stb[n] = phi[n - 1] else: tmpst = stb[n + 1] + dstds stb[n] = min(tmpst, phi[n - 1]) # Fix last point which is indexed a bit off n = 0 kpos_end = n kpos = kpos_end + 3 dstds = runge_kutta(ds, stb[n + 1], k[kpos::-1], smax) if dstds is None: stb[n] = phi[n * 2 - 1] else: tmpst = stb[n + 1] + dstds stb[n] = min(tmpst, phi[n - 1]) # take the minimum of the curves ds = s[1] - s[0] st_of_s = np.minimum(sta, stb) # compute time t_of_s = integrate.cumtrapz(1.0 / st_of_s, initial=0) * ds t = np.arange(0, t_of_s[-1] + np.finfo(float).eps, dt) t_of_s = interpolate.CubicSpline(t_of_s, s) s_of_t = t_of_s(t) c = np.squeeze(cs(s_of_t)) g = np.diff(c, axis=0, append=np.zeros((1, 3))) / gamma / dt g[-1, :] = g[-2, :] + g[-2, :] - g[-3, :] k = integrate.cumtrapz(g, t, initial=0, axis=0) * gamma s = np.diff(g, axis=0) / dt return g, k, s, t