Source code for sigpy.mri.rf.slr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MRI RF excitation pulse design functions,
    including SLR and small tip spatial design

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import scipy.signal as signal

import sigpy as sp
from sigpy.mri.rf.util import dinf

__all__ = [

""" Functions for SLR pulse design
    SLR algorithm simplifies the solution of the Bloch equations
    to the design of 2 polynomials

[docs]def dzrf( n=64, tb=4, ptype="st", ftype="ls", d1=0.01, d2=0.01, cancel_alpha_phs=False, ): r"""Primary function for design of pulses using the SLR algorithm. Args: n (int): number of time points. tb (int): pulse time bandwidth product. ptype (string): pulse type, 'st' (small-tip excitation), 'ex' (pi/2 excitation pulse), 'se' (spin-echo pulse), 'inv' (inversion), or 'sat' (pi/2 saturation pulse). ftype (string): type of filter to use: 'ms' (sinc), 'pm' (Parks-McClellan equal-ripple), 'min' (minphase using factored pm), 'max' (maxphase using factored pm), 'ls' (least squares). d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. cancel_alpha_phs (bool): For 'ex' pulses, absorb the alpha phase profile from beta's profile, so they cancel for a flatter total phase Returns: rf (array): designed RF pulse. References: Pauly, J., Le Roux, Patrick., Nishimura, D., and Macovski, A.(1991). Parameter Relations for the Shinnar-LeRoux Selective Excitation Pulse Design Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol 10, No 1, 53-65. """ [bsf, d1, d2] = calc_ripples(ptype, d1, d2) if ftype == "ms": # sinc b = msinc(n, tb / 4) elif ftype == "pm": # linphase b = dzlp(n, tb, d1, d2) elif ftype == "min": # minphase b = dzmp(n, tb, d1, d2) b = b[::-1] elif ftype == "max": # maxphase b = dzmp(n, tb, d1, d2) elif ftype == "ls": # least squares b = dzls(n, tb, d1, d2) else: raise Exception('Filter type ("{}") is not recognized.'.format(ftype)) if ptype == "st": rf = b elif ptype == "ex": b = bsf * b rf = b2rf(b, cancel_alpha_phs) else: b = bsf * b rf = b2rf(b) return rf
def calc_ripples(ptype="st", d1=0.01, d2=0.01): if ptype == "st": bsf = 1 elif ptype == "ex": bsf = np.sqrt(1 / 2) d1 = np.sqrt(d1 / 2) d2 = d2 / np.sqrt(2) elif ptype == "se": bsf = 1 d1 = d1 / 4 d2 = np.sqrt(d2) elif ptype == "inv": bsf = 1 d1 = d1 / 8 d2 = np.sqrt(d2 / 2) elif ptype == "sat": bsf = np.sqrt(1 / 2) d1 = d1 / 2 d2 = np.sqrt(d2) else: raise Exception('Pulse type ("{}") is not recognized.'.format(ptype)) return bsf, d1, d2 # following functions are used to support dzrf def dzls(n=64, tb=4, d1=0.01, d2=0.01): di = dinf(d1, d2) w = di / tb f = np.asarray([0, (1 - w) * (tb / 2), (1 + w) * (tb / 2), (n / 2)]) f = f / (n / 2) m = [1, 1, 0, 0] w = [1, d1 / d2] h = signal.firls(n + 1, f, m, w) # shift the filter half a sample to make it symmetric, like in MATLAB c = np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi / (2 * (n + 1)) * np.concatenate([np.arange(0, n / 2 + 1, 1), np.arange(-n / 2, 0, 1)]) ) h = np.real(sp.ifft(np.multiply(sp.fft(h, center=False), c), center=False)) # lop off extra sample h = h[:n] return h def dzmp(n=64, tb=4, d1=0.01, d2=0.01): n2 = 2 * n - 1 di = 0.5 * dinf(2 * d1, 0.5 * d2 * d2) w = di / tb f = np.asarray([0, (1 - w) * (tb / 2), (1 + w) * (tb / 2), (n / 2)]) / n m = [1, 0] w = [1, 2 * d1 / (0.5 * d2 * d2)] hl = signal.remez(n2, f, m, w) h = fmp(hl) return h def fmp(h): ll = np.size(h) lp = 128 * np.exp(np.ceil(np.log(ll) / np.log(2)) * np.log(2)) padwidths = np.array([np.ceil((lp - ll) / 2), np.floor((lp - ll) / 2)]) hp = np.pad(h, padwidths.astype(int), "constant") hpf = sp.fft(hp, norm=None) hpfs = hpf - np.min(np.real(hpf)) * 1.000001 hpfmp = mag2mp(np.sqrt(np.abs(hpfs))) hpmp = sp.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(np.conj(hpfmp)), center=False, norm=None) hmp = hpmp[: int((ll + 1) / 2)] return hmp def dzlp(n=64, tb=4, d1=0.01, d2=0.01): di = dinf(d1, d2) w = di / tb f = np.asarray([0, (1 - w) * (tb / 2), (1 + w) * (tb / 2), (n / 2)]) / n m = [1, 0] w = [1, d1 / d2] h = signal.remez(n, f, m, w) return h def msinc(n=64, m=1): x = np.arange(-n / 2, n / 2, 1) / (n / 2) snc = np.divide( np.sin(m * 2 * np.pi * x + 0.00001), (m * 2 * np.pi * x + 0.00001) ) ms = np.multiply(snc, 0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(np.pi * x)) ms = ms * 4 * m / n return ms
[docs]def dz_gslider_b( n=128, g=5, gind=1, tb=4, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, phi=np.pi, shift=32 ): r"""Design a g-slider pulse b Args: n (int): number of time points. g (int): number of sub-slices. gind (int): subslice index. tb (int): time bandwidth product. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. phi (float): subslice phase. shift (int): n time points shift of pulse. Returns: b (array): SLR beta parameter. References: Setsompop, K. et al. 'High-resolution in vivo diffusion imaging of the human brain with generalized slice dithered enhanced resolution: Simultaneous multislice (gSlider-SMS). Magn. Reson. Med.79, 141–151 (2018). """ ftw = dinf(d1, d2) / tb # fractional transition width of the slab profile if np.fmod(g, 2) and gind == int(np.ceil(g / 2)): # centered sub-slice if g == 1: # no sub-slices, as a sanity check b = dzls(n, tb, d1, d2) else: # Design 2 filters, to allow arbitrary phases on the subslice the # first is a wider notch filter with '0's where it the subslice # appears, and the second is the subslice. Multiply the subslice by # its phase and add the filters. f = np.asarray( [ 0, (1 / g - ftw) * (tb / 2), (1 / g + ftw) * (tb / 2), (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), (n / 2), ] ) f = f / (n / 2) m_notch = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] m_sub = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] w = [1, 1, d1 / d2] b_notch = signal.firls(n + 1, f, m_notch, w) # the notched filter b_sub = signal.firls(n + 1, f, m_sub, w) # the subslice filter # add them with the subslice phase b = np.add(b_notch, np.multiply(np.exp(1j * phi), b_sub)) # shift the filter half a sample to make it symmetric, # like in MATLAB c = np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi / (2 * (n + 1)) * np.concatenate( [np.arange(0, n / 2 + 1, 1), np.arange(-n / 2, 0, 1)] ) ) b = sp.ifft(np.multiply(sp.fft(b, center=False), c), center=False) # lop off extra sample b = b[:n] else: # design filters for the slab and the subslice, hilbert xform them # to suppress their left bands, # then demodulate the result back to DC gcent = shift + (gind - g / 2 - 1 / 2) * tb / g if gind > 1 and gind < g: # separate transition bands for slab+slice f = np.asarray( [ 0, shift - (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), shift - (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), gcent - (tb / g / 2 + ftw * (tb / 2)), gcent - (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2)), gcent + (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2)), gcent + (tb / g / 2 + ftw * (tb / 2)), shift + (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), shift + (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), (n / 2), ] ) f = f / (n / 2) m_notch = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] m_sub = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] w = [d1 / d2, 1, 1, 1, d1 / d2] elif gind == 1: # the slab and slice share a left transition band f = np.asarray( [ 0, shift - (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), shift - (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), gcent + (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2)), gcent + (tb / g / 2 + ftw * (tb / 2)), shift + (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), shift + (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), (n / 2), ] ) f = f / (n / 2) m_notch = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] m_sub = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] w = [d1 / d2, 1, 1, d1 / d2] elif gind == g: # the slab and slice share a right transition band f = np.asarray( [ 0, shift - (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), shift - (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), gcent - (tb / g / 2 + ftw * (tb / 2)), gcent - (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2)), shift + (1 - ftw) * (tb / 2), shift + (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), (n / 2), ] ) f = f / (n / 2) m_notch = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] m_sub = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] w = [d1 / d2, 1, 1, d1 / d2] c = np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi / (2 * (n + 1)) * np.concatenate( [np.arange(0, n / 2 + 1, 1), np.arange(-n / 2, 0, 1)] ) ) b_notch = signal.firls(n + 1, f, m_notch, w) # the notched filter b_notch = sp.ifft( np.multiply(sp.fft(b_notch, center=False), c), center=False ) b_notch = np.real(b_notch[:n]) # hilbert transform to suppress negative passband b_notch = signal.hilbert(b_notch) b_sub = signal.firls(n + 1, f, m_sub, w) # the sub-band filter b_sub = sp.ifft( np.multiply(sp.fft(b_sub, center=False), c), center=False ) b_sub = np.real(b_sub[:n]) # hilbert transform to suppress negative passband b_sub = signal.hilbert(b_sub) # add them with the subslice phase b = b_notch + np.exp(1j * phi) * b_sub # demodulate to DC c_shift = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi / n * shift * np.arange(0, n, 1)) / 2 c_shift *= np.exp(-1j * np.pi / n * shift) b = np.multiply(b, c_shift) return b
[docs]def dz_hadamard_b(n=128, g=5, gind=1, tb=4, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, shift=32): r"""Design a pulse with hadamard encoding Args: n (int): number of time points. g (int): order of the Hadamard matrix. gind (int): index of vector to use from Hadamard matrix for encoding. tb (int): time bandwidth product. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. shift (int): n time points shift of pulse. Returns: b (array): SLR beta parameter. References: Souza, S.P., Szumowski, J., Dumoulin, C.L., Plewes, D.P. & Glover, G. 'Sima: Simultaneous multislice acquisition of MR images by hadamard - encoded excitation. J.Comput.Assist.Tomogr. 12, 1026–1030(1988). """ H = linalg.hadamard(g) encode = H[gind - 1, :] ftw = dinf(d1, d2) / tb # fractional transition width of the slab profile if gind == 1: # no sub-slices b = dzls(n, tb, d1, d2) else: # left stopband f = np.asarray([0, shift - (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2)]) m = np.asarray([0, 0]) w = np.asarray([d1 / d2]) # first sub-band ii = 1 gcent = shift + (ii - g / 2 - 1 / 2) * tb / g # first band center # first band left edge f = np.append(f, gcent - (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) if encode[ii - 1] != encode[ii]: # add the first band's right edge and its amplitude, and a weight f = np.append(f, gcent + (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) w = np.append(w, 1) # middle sub-bands for ii in range(2, g): gcent = shift + (ii - g / 2 - 1 / 2) * tb / g # center of band if encode[ii - 1] != encode[ii - 2]: # add a left edge and amp for this band f = np.append(f, gcent - (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) if encode[ii - 1] != encode[ii]: # add a right edge and its amp, and a weight for this band f = np.append(f, gcent + (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) w = np.append(w, 1) # last sub-band ii = g gcent = shift + (ii - g / 2 - 1 / 2) * tb / g # center of last band if encode[ii - 1] != encode[ii - 2]: # add a left edge and amp for the last band f = np.append(f, gcent - (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) # add a right edge and its amp, and a weight for the last band f = np.append(f, gcent + (tb / g / 2 - ftw * (tb / 2))) m = np.append(m, encode[ii - 1]) w = np.append(w, 1) # right stop-band f = np.append(f, (shift + (1 + ftw) * (tb / 2), (n / 2))) / (n / 2) m = np.append(m, [0, 0]) w = np.append(w, d1 / d2) # separate the positive and negative bands mp = (m > 0).astype(float) mn = (m < 0).astype(float) # design the positive and negative filters c = np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi / (2 * (n + 1)) * np.concatenate( [np.arange(0, n / 2 + 1, 1), np.arange(-n / 2, 0, 1)] ) ) bp = signal.firls(n + 1, f, mp, w) # the positive filter bn = signal.firls(n + 1, f, mn, w) # the negative filter # combine the filters and demodulate b = sp.ifft( np.multiply(sp.fft(bp - bn, center=False), c), center=False ) b = np.real(b[:n]) # hilbert transform to suppress negative passband b = signal.hilbert(b) # demodulate to DC c_shift = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi / n * shift * np.arange(0, n, 1)) / 2 c_shift *= np.exp(-1j * np.pi / n * shift) b = np.multiply(b, c_shift) return b
[docs]def dz_gslider_rf( n=256, g=5, flip=np.pi / 2, phi=np.pi, tb=12, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, cancel_alpha_phs=True, ): r"""Design a g-slider pulse rf Args: n (int): number of time points. g (int): number of sub-slices. flip (float): flip angle. phi (float): subslice phase. tb (int): time bandwidth product. d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. cancel_alpha_phs (bool): absorb the alpha phase profile from beta's profile, so they cancel for a flatter total phase Returns: rf (array): rf pulse out. References: Setsompop, K. et al. 'High-resolution in vivo diffusion imaging of the human brain with generalized slice dithered enhanced resolution: Simultaneous multislice (gSlider-SMS). Magn. Reson. Med.79, 141–151 (2018). """ bsf = np.sin(flip / 2) # beta scaling factor rf = np.zeros((n, g), dtype="complex") for gind in range(1, g + 1): b = bsf * dz_gslider_b(n, g, gind, tb, d1, d2, phi) rf[:, gind - 1] = b2rf(b, cancel_alpha_phs) return rf
def b2rf(b, cancel_alpha_phs=False): a = b2a(b) if cancel_alpha_phs: b_a_phase = sp.fft(b, center=False, norm=None) * np.exp( -1j * np.angle(sp.fft(a[np.size(a) :: -1], center=False, norm=None)) ) b = sp.ifft(b_a_phase, center=False, norm=None) rf = ab2rf(a, b) return rf def b2a(b): n = np.size(b) npad = n * 16 bcp = np.zeros(npad, dtype=complex) bcp[0:n:1] = b bf = sp.fft(bcp, center=False, norm=None) bfmax = np.max(np.abs(bf)) if bfmax >= 1: bf = bf / (1e-7 + bfmax) afa = mag2mp(np.sqrt(1 - np.abs(bf) ** 2)) a = sp.fft(afa, center=False, norm=None) / npad a = a[0:n:1] a = a[::-1] return a def mag2mp(x): n = np.size(x) xl = np.log(np.abs(x)) # Log of mag spectrum xlf = sp.fft(xl, center=False, norm=None) xlfp = xlf xlfp[0] = xlf[0] # Keep DC the same xlfp[1 : (n // 2) : 1] = ( 2 * xlf[1 : (n // 2) : 1] ) # Double positive frequencies xlfp[n // 2] = xlf[n // 2] # keep half Nyquist the same xlfp[n // 2 + 1 : n : 1] = 0 # zero negative frequencies xlaf = sp.ifft(xlfp, center=False, norm=None) a = np.exp(xlaf) # complex exponentiation return a def ab2rf(a, b): n = np.size(a) rf = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex) a = a.astype(complex) b = b.astype(complex) for ii in range(n - 1, -1, -1): cj = np.sqrt(1 / (1 + np.abs(b[ii] / a[ii]) ** 2)) sj = np.conj(cj * b[ii] / a[ii]) theta = np.arctan2(np.abs(sj), cj) psi = np.angle(sj) rf[ii] = 2 * theta * np.exp(1j * psi) # remove this rotation from polynomials if ii > 0: at = cj * a + sj * b bt = -np.conj(sj) * a + cj * b a = at[1 : ii + 1 : 1] b = bt[0:ii:1] return rf
[docs]def root_flip(b, d1, flip, tb, verbose=False): r"""Exhaustive root-flip pattern search for min-peak b1 Args: b (array): SLR beta parameter. d1 (float): passband ripple level. flip (array): target flip angle. tb (int): pulse time bandwidth product. verbose (bool): print feeback on iterations. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **rf_out** (*array*): rf pulse out. - **b_out** (*array*): SLR beta parameter. References: Sharma, A. Lustig, M. and Grissom, W. (2016). Root-flipped multiband refocusing pulses. Magn Reson Med. 2016 Jan; 75(1): 227-237. """ n = np.size(b) [_, b_resp] = signal.freqz(b) b /= np.max(np.abs(b_resp)) # normalize beta b *= np.sin(flip / 2 + np.arctan(d1 * 2) / 2) # scale to target flip r = sp.util.leja(np.roots(b)) candidates = np.logical_and( np.abs(1 - np.abs(r)) > 0.004, np.abs(np.angle(r)) < tb / n * np.pi ) ii_min = 0 ii_max = 2 ** np.sum(candidates) max_rf = np.max(np.abs(b2rf(b))) for ii in range(ii_min, ii_max): if ii % 20 == 0: if verbose: print( "Evaluating root-flip pattern " + str(ii) + " out of " + str(ii_max - ii_min) ) # get a binary flipping pattern do_flip_str = format(ii, "b") do_flip = np.zeros(np.sum(candidates), dtype=bool) for jj in range(0, len(do_flip_str)): do_flip[jj] = bool(int(do_flip_str[jj])) # embed the pattern in an all-roots vector tmp = np.zeros(n - 1, dtype=bool) tmp[candidates] = do_flip do_flip = tmp # flip those indices r_flip = np.zeros(np.shape(r), dtype=complex) r_flip[:] = r[:] r_flip[do_flip] = np.conj(1 / r_flip[do_flip]) b_tmp = np.poly(r_flip) [_, b_tmp_resp] = signal.freqz(b_tmp) b_tmp /= np.max(np.abs(b_tmp_resp)) # normalize beta b_tmp *= np.sin(flip / 2 + np.arctan(d1 * 2) / 2) # scale to targ flip rf_tmp = b2rf(b_tmp) if np.max(np.abs(rf_tmp)) < max_rf: max_rf = np.max(np.abs(rf_tmp)) rf_out = rf_tmp b_out = b_tmp return rf_out, b_out
[docs]def dz_recursive_rf( n_seg, tb, n, se_seq=False, tb_ref=8, z_pad_fact=4, win_fact=1.75, cancel_alpha_phs=True, t1=np.inf, tr_seg=60, use_mz=True, d1=0.01, d2=0.01, d1se=0.01, d2se=0.01, ): r"""Recursive SLR pulse design. Args: n_seg (int): number of segments designed by recursion. tb (int): time bandwidth product. n (int): pulse length. se_seq (bool): spin echo sequence. tb_ref (int): time bandwidth product of refocusing pulse. z_pad_fact (float): zero padding factor. win_fact (float): applied window factor. cancel_alpha_phs (bool): absorb the alpha phase profile from beta's profile, so they cancel for a flatter total phase t1 (float): t1 tr_seg (int): length of tr use_mz (bool): design the pulses accounting for the actual Mz profile d1 (float): passband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d2 (float): stopband ripple level in :math:'M_0^{-1}'. d1se (float): passband ripple level for se d2se (float): stopband ripple level for se Returns: If se_seq=True, 2-element tuple containing - **rf** (*array*): rf pulse out. - **rf_ref** (*array*): rf refocusing pulse out. """ # get refocusing pulse and its rotation parameters if se_seq is True: [bsf, d1se, d2se] = calc_ripples("se", d1se, d2se) b_ref = bsf * dzls(n, tb_ref, d1se, d2se) b_ref = np.concatenate( ( np.zeros(int(z_pad_fact * n / 2 - n / 2)), b_ref, np.zeros(int(z_pad_fact * n / 2 - n / 2)), ) ) rf_ref = b2rf(b_ref) bref = sp.fft(b_ref, norm=None) bref /= np.max(np.abs(bref)) bref_mag = np.abs(bref) aref_mag = np.abs(np.sqrt(1 - bref_mag**2)) flip_ref = ( 2 * np.arcsin(bref_mag[int(z_pad_fact * n / 2)]) * 180 / np.pi ) # get flip angles flip = np.zeros(n_seg) flip[n_seg - 1] = 90 for jj in range(n_seg - 2, -1, -1): if se_seq is False: flip[jj] = np.arctan(np.sin(flip[jj + 1] * np.pi / 180)) flip[jj] = flip[jj] * 180 / np.pi # deg else: flip[jj] = np.arctan( np.cos(flip_ref * np.pi / 180) * np.sin(flip[jj + 1] * np.pi / 180) ) flip[jj] = flip[jj] * 180 / np.pi # deg # design first RF pulse b = np.zeros((int(z_pad_fact * n), n_seg), dtype=complex) b[ int(z_pad_fact * n / 2 - n / 2) : int(z_pad_fact * n / 2 + n / 2), 0 ] = dzls(n, tb, d1, d2) # b = np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(zPadFact*N/2-N/2)), b, # np.zeros(int(zPadFact*N/2-N/2)))) B = sp.fft(b[:, 0], norm=None) c = np.exp( -1j * 2 * np.pi / (n * z_pad_fact) / 2 * np.arange(-n * z_pad_fact / 2, n * z_pad_fact / 2, 1) ) B = np.multiply(B, c) b[:, 0] = sp.ifft(B / np.max(np.abs(B)), norm=None) b[:, 0] *= np.sin(flip[0] * (np.pi / 180) / 2) rf = np.zeros((z_pad_fact * n, n_seg), dtype=complex) a = b2a(b[:, 0]) if cancel_alpha_phs: # cancel a phase by absorbing into b # Note that this is the only time we need to do it b_a_phase = sp.fft(b[:, 0], center=False, norm=None) * np.exp( -1j * np.angle(sp.fft(a[np.size(a) :: -1], center=False, norm=None)) ) b[:, 0] = sp.ifft(b_a_phase, center=False, norm=None) rf[:, 0] = b2rf(b[:, 0]) # get min-phase alpha and its response # a = b2a(b[:, 0]) A = sp.fft(a) # calculate beta filter response B = sp.fft(b[:, 0], norm=None) if win_fact < z_pad_fact: win_len = (win_fact - 1) * n npad = n * z_pad_fact - win_fact * n # blackman window? window = signal.blackman(int((win_fact - 1) * n)) # split in half; stick N ones in the middle window = np.concatenate( ( window[0 : int(win_len / 2)], np.ones(n), window[int(win_len / 2) :], ) ) window = np.concatenate( (np.zeros(int(npad / 2)), window, np.zeros(int(npad / 2))) ) # apply windowing to first pulse for consistency b[:, 0] = np.multiply(b[:, 0], window) rf[:, 0] = b2rf(b[:, 0]) # recalculate B and A B = sp.fft(b[:, 0], norm=None) A = sp.fft(b2a(b[:, 0]), norm=None) # use A and B to get Mxy # Mxy = np.zeros((zPadFact*N, Nseg), dtype = complex) if se_seq is False: mxy0 = 2 * np.conj(A) * B else: mxy0 = 2 * A * np.conj(B) * bref**2 # Amplitude of next pulse's Mxy profile will be # |Mz*2*a*b| = |Mz*2*sqrt(1-abs(B).^2)*B|. # If we set this = |Mxy_1|, we can solve for |B| via solving quadratic # equation 4*Mz^2*(1-B^2)*B^2 = |Mxy_1|^2. # Subsequently solve for |A|, and get phase of A via min-phase, and # then get phase of B by dividing phase of A from first pulse's Mxy phase. mz = np.ones((z_pad_fact * n), dtype=complex) for jj in range(1, n_seg): # calculate Mz profile after previous pulse if se_seq is False: mz = mz * (1 - 2 * np.abs(B) ** 2) * np.exp(-tr_seg / t1) + ( 1 - np.exp(-tr_seg / t1) ) else: mz = mz * ( 1 - 2 * (np.abs(A * bref_mag) ** 2 + np.abs(aref_mag * B) ** 2) ) # (second term is about 1%) if use_mz is True: # design the pulses accounting for the # actual Mz profile (the full method) # set up quadratic equation to get |B| cq = -np.abs(mxy0) ** 2 if se_seq is False: bq = 4 * mz**2 aq = -4 * mz**2 else: bq = 4 * (bref_mag**4) * mz**2 aq = -4 * (bref_mag**4) * mz**2 bmag = np.sqrt( (-bq + np.real(np.sqrt(bq**2 - 4 * aq * cq))) / (2 * aq) ) bmag[np.isnan(bmag)] = 0 # get A - easier to get complex A than complex B since |A| is # determined by |B|, and phase is gotten by min-phase relationship # Phase of B doesn't matter here since only profile mag is used by # b2a A = sp.fft(b2a(sp.ifft(bmag, norm=None)), norm=None) # trick: now we can get complex B from ratio of Mxy and A B = mxy0 / (2 * np.conj(A) * mz) else: # design assuming ideal Mz (conventional VFA) B *= np.sin(np.pi / 180 * flip[jj] / 2) / np.sin( np.pi / 180 * flip[jj - 1] / 2 ) A = sp.fft(b2a(sp.ifft(B, norm=None)), norm=None) # get polynomial b[:, jj] = sp.ifft(B, norm=None) if win_fact < z_pad_fact: b[:, jj] *= window # recalculate B and A B = sp.fft(b[:, jj], norm=None) A = sp.fft(b2a(b[:, jj]), norm=None) rf[:, jj] = b2rf(b[:, jj]) # truncate the RF if win_fact < z_pad_fact: pulse_len = int(win_fact * n) rf = rf[int(npad / 2) : int(npad / 2 + pulse_len), :] if se_seq is False: return rf else: return rf, rf_ref