Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MRI applications.
import numpy as np

import sigpy as sp
from sigpy.mri import linop

__all__ = [

def _estimate_weights(y, weights, coord):
    if weights is None and coord is None:
        with sp.get_device(y):
            weights = (sp.rss(y, axes=(0,)) > 0).astype(y.dtype)

    return weights

[docs]class SenseRecon( r"""SENSE Reconstruction. Considers the problem .. math:: \min_x \frac{1}{2} \| P F S x - y \|_2^2 + \frac{\lambda}{2} \| x \|_2^2 where P is the sampling operator, F is the Fourier transform operator, S is the SENSE operator, x is the image, and y is the k-space measurements. Args: y (array): k-space measurements. mps (array): sensitivity maps. lamda (float): regularization parameter. weights (float or array): weights for data consistency. tseg (None or Dictionary): parameters for time-segmented off-resonance correction. Parameters are 'b0' (array), 'dt' (float), 'lseg' (int), and 'n_bins' (int). Lseg is the number of time segments used, and n_bins is the number of histogram bins. coord (None or array): coordinates. device (Device): device to perform reconstruction. coil_batch_size (int): batch size to process coils. Only affects memory usage. comm (Communicator): communicator for distributed computing. **kwargs: Other optional arguments. References: Pruessmann, K. P., Weiger, M., Scheidegger, M. B., & Boesiger, P. (1999). SENSE: sensitivity encoding for fast MRI. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 42(5), 952-962. Pruessmann, K. P., Weiger, M., Bornert, P., & Boesiger, P. (2001). Advances in sensitivity encoding with arbitrary k-space trajectories. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 46(4), 638-651. """
[docs] def __init__( self, y, mps, lamda=0, weights=None, tseg=None, coord=None, device=sp.cpu_device, coil_batch_size=None, comm=None, show_pbar=True, transp_nufft=False, **kwargs ): weights = _estimate_weights(y, weights, coord) if weights is not None: y = sp.to_device(y * weights**0.5, device=device) else: y = sp.to_device(y, device=device) A = linop.Sense( mps, coord=coord, weights=weights, tseg=tseg, coil_batch_size=coil_batch_size, comm=comm, transp_nufft=transp_nufft, ) if comm is not None: show_pbar = show_pbar and comm.rank == 0 super().__init__(A, y, lamda=lamda, show_pbar=show_pbar, **kwargs)
[docs]class L1WaveletRecon( r"""L1 Wavelet regularized reconstruction. Considers the problem .. math:: \min_x \frac{1}{2} \| P F S x - y \|_2^2 + \lambda \| W x \|_1 where P is the sampling operator, F is the Fourier transform operator, S is the SENSE operator, W is the wavelet operator, x is the image, and y is the k-space measurements. Args: y (array): k-space measurements. mps (array): sensitivity maps. lamda (float): regularization parameter. weights (float or array): weights for data consistency. coord (None or array): coordinates. wave_name (str): wavelet name. device (Device): device to perform reconstruction. coil_batch_size (int): batch size to process coils. Only affects memory usage. comm (Communicator): communicator for distributed computing. **kwargs: Other optional arguments. References: Lustig, M., Donoho, D., & Pauly, J. M. (2007). Sparse MRI: The application of compressed sensing for rapid MR imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 58(6), 1082-1195. """
[docs] def __init__( self, y, mps, lamda, weights=None, coord=None, wave_name="db4", device=sp.cpu_device, coil_batch_size=None, comm=None, show_pbar=True, transp_nufft=False, **kwargs ): weights = _estimate_weights(y, weights, coord) if weights is not None: y = sp.to_device(y * weights**0.5, device=device) else: y = sp.to_device(y, device=device) A = linop.Sense( mps, coord=coord, weights=weights, comm=comm, coil_batch_size=coil_batch_size, transp_nufft=transp_nufft, ) img_shape = mps.shape[1:] W = sp.linop.Wavelet(img_shape, wave_name=wave_name) proxg = sp.prox.UnitaryTransform(sp.prox.L1Reg(W.oshape, lamda), W) def g(input): device = sp.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: return lamda * xp.sum(xp.abs(W(input))).item() if comm is not None: show_pbar = show_pbar and comm.rank == 0 super().__init__(A, y, proxg=proxg, g=g, show_pbar=show_pbar, **kwargs)
[docs]class TotalVariationRecon( r"""Total variation regularized reconstruction. Considers the problem: .. math:: \min_x \frac{1}{2} \| P F S x - y \|_2^2 + \lambda \| G x \|_1 where P is the sampling operator, F is the Fourier transform operator, S is the SENSE operator, G is the gradient operator, x is the image, and y is the k-space measurements. Args: y (array): k-space measurements. mps (array): sensitivity maps. lamda (float): regularization parameter. weights (float or array): weights for data consistency. coord (None or array): coordinates. device (Device): device to perform reconstruction. coil_batch_size (int): batch size to process coils. Only affects memory usage. comm (Communicator): communicator for distributed computing. **kwargs: Other optional arguments. References: Block, K. T., Uecker, M., & Frahm, J. (2007). Undersampled radial MRI with multiple coils. Iterative image reconstruction using a total variation constraint. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 57(6), 1086-1098. """
[docs] def __init__( self, y, mps, lamda, weights=None, coord=None, device=sp.cpu_device, coil_batch_size=None, comm=None, show_pbar=True, transp_nufft=False, **kwargs ): weights = _estimate_weights(y, weights, coord) if weights is not None: y = sp.to_device(y * weights**0.5, device=device) else: y = sp.to_device(y, device=device) A = linop.Sense( mps, coord=coord, weights=weights, comm=comm, coil_batch_size=coil_batch_size, transp_nufft=transp_nufft, ) G = sp.linop.FiniteDifference(A.ishape) proxg = sp.prox.L1Reg(G.oshape, lamda) def g(x): device = sp.get_device(x) xp = device.xp with device: return lamda * xp.sum(xp.abs(x)).item() if comm is not None: show_pbar = show_pbar and comm.rank == 0 super().__init__( A, y, proxg=proxg, g=g, G=G, show_pbar=show_pbar, **kwargs )
[docs]class JsenseRecon( r"""JSENSE/NLINV reconstruction. Considers the problem .. math:: \min_{l, r} \frac{1}{2} \| l \ast r - y \|_2^2 + \frac{\lambda}{2} (\| l \|_2^2 + \| r \|_2^2) where :math:`\ast` is the convolution operator. This formulation with regularization corresponds to the version described in the NLINV paper. Without regularization (which is the default) this corresponds to the version from the JSENSE paper but using a truncated Fourier representation of the coils (as in NLINV) instead of polynomials. Args: y (array): k-space measurements. mps_ker_width (int): sensitivity maps kernel width. ksp_calib_width (int): k-space calibration width. lamda (float): regularization parameter. device (Device): device to perform reconstruction. weights (float or array): weights for data consistency. coord (None or array): coordinates. img_shape (None or list): Image shape. grd_shape (None or list): Shape of grid. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations. max_inner_iter (int): Maximum number of inner iterations. References: Ying, L., & Sheng, J. (2007). Joint image reconstruction and sensitivity estimation in SENSE (JSENSE). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 57(6), 1196-1202. Uecker, M., Hohage, T., Block, K. T., & Frahm, J. (2008). Image reconstruction by regularized nonlinear inversion- joint estimation of coil sensitivities and image content. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 60(#), 674-682. """
[docs] def __init__( self, y, mps_ker_width=16, ksp_calib_width=24, lamda=0, device=sp.cpu_device, comm=None, weights=None, coord=None, img_shape=None, grd_shape=None, max_iter=10, max_inner_iter=10, normalize=True, show_pbar=True, ): self.y = y self.mps_ker_width = mps_ker_width self.ksp_calib_width = ksp_calib_width self.lamda = lamda self.weights = weights self.coord = coord self.img_shape = img_shape self.grd_shape = grd_shape self.max_iter = max_iter self.max_inner_iter = max_inner_iter self.normalize = normalize self.device = sp.Device(device) self.comm = comm self.dtype = y.dtype self.num_coils = len(y) if comm is not None: show_pbar = show_pbar and comm.rank == 0 self._get_data() self._get_vars() self._get_alg() super().__init__(self.alg, show_pbar=show_pbar)
def _get_data(self): if self.coord is None: self.img_shape = list(self.y.shape[1:]) ndim = len(self.img_shape) self.y = sp.resize( self.y, [self.num_coils] + ndim * [self.ksp_calib_width] ) if self.weights is not None: self.weights = sp.resize( self.weights, ndim * [self.ksp_calib_width] ) else: if self.img_shape is None: self.img_shape = sp.estimate_shape(self.coord) else: self.img_shape = list(self.img_shape) calib_idx = ( np.amax(np.abs(self.coord), axis=-1) < self.ksp_calib_width / 2 ) self.coord = self.coord[calib_idx] self.y = self.y[:, calib_idx] if self.weights is not None: self.weights = self.weights[calib_idx] if self.weights is None: self.y = sp.to_device(self.y, self.device) else: self.y = sp.to_device(self.weights**0.5 * self.y, self.device) if self.coord is not None: self.coord = sp.to_device(self.coord, self.device) if self.weights is not None: self.weights = sp.to_device(self.weights, self.device) self.weights = _estimate_weights(self.y, self.weights, self.coord) if self.normalize: xp = self.device.xp with self.device: self.y = self.y / xp.linalg.norm(self.y) def _get_vars(self): ndim = len(self.img_shape) mps_ker_shape = [self.num_coils] + [self.mps_ker_width] * ndim if self.coord is None: img_ker_shape = [ i + self.mps_ker_width - 1 for i in self.y.shape[1:] ] else: if self.grd_shape is None: self.grd_shape = sp.estimate_shape(self.coord) img_ker_shape = [ i + self.mps_ker_width - 1 for i in self.grd_shape ] self.img_ker = sp.dirac( img_ker_shape, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device ) with self.device: self.mps_ker = self.device.xp.zeros( mps_ker_shape, dtype=self.dtype ) def _get_alg(self): def min_mps_ker(): self.A_mps_ker = linop.ConvImage( self.mps_ker.shape, self.img_ker, coord=self.coord, weights=self.weights, ) self.A_mps_ker, self.y, self.mps_ker, lamda=self.lamda, max_iter=self.max_inner_iter, show_pbar=False, ).run() def min_img_ker(): self.A_img_ker = linop.ConvSense( self.img_ker.shape, self.mps_ker, coord=self.coord, weights=self.weights, comm=self.comm, ) self.A_img_ker, self.y, self.img_ker, lamda=self.lamda, max_iter=self.max_inner_iter, show_pbar=False, ).run() self.alg = sp.alg.AltMin( min_mps_ker, min_img_ker, max_iter=self.max_iter ) def _output(self): xp = self.device.xp # Normalize by root-sum-of-squares. with self.device: rss = 0 mps = np.empty([self.num_coils] + self.img_shape, dtype=self.dtype) for c in range(self.num_coils): mps_c = sp.ifft(sp.resize(self.mps_ker[c], self.img_shape)) rss += xp.abs(mps_c) ** 2 sp.copyto(mps[c], mps_c) rss = sp.to_device(rss) if self.comm is not None: self.comm.allreduce(rss) rss = rss**0.5 mps /= rss return mps
[docs]class EspiritCalib( """ESPIRiT calibration. Currently only supports outputting one set of maps. Args: ksp (array): k-space array of shape [num_coils, n_ndim, ..., n_1] calib (tuple of ints): length-2 image shape. thresh (float): threshold for the calibration matrix. kernel_width (int): kernel width for the calibration matrix. max_power_iter (int): maximum number of power iterations. device (Device): computing device. crop (int): cropping threshold. Returns: array: ESPIRiT maps of the same shape as ksp. References: Martin Uecker, Peng Lai, Mark J. Murphy, Patrick Virtue, Michael Elad, John M. Pauly, Shreyas S. Vasanawala, and Michael Lustig ESPIRIT - An Eigenvalue Approach to Autocalibrating Parallel MRI: Where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71:990-1001 (2014) """
[docs] def __init__( self, ksp, calib_width=24, thresh=0.02, kernel_width=6, crop=0.95, max_iter=100, device=sp.cpu_device, output_eigenvalue=False, show_pbar=True, ): self.device = sp.Device(device) self.output_eigenvalue = output_eigenvalue self.crop = crop img_ndim = ksp.ndim - 1 num_coils = len(ksp) with sp.get_device(ksp): # Get calibration region calib_shape = [num_coils] + [calib_width] * img_ndim calib = sp.resize(ksp, calib_shape) calib = sp.to_device(calib, device) xp = self.device.xp with self.device: # Get calibration matrix. # Shape [num_coils] + num_blks + [kernel_width] * img_ndim mat = sp.array_to_blocks( calib, [kernel_width] * img_ndim, [1] * img_ndim ) mat = mat.reshape([num_coils, -1, kernel_width**img_ndim]) mat = mat.transpose([1, 0, 2]) mat = mat.reshape([-1, num_coils * kernel_width**img_ndim]) # Perform SVD on calibration matrix _, S, VH = xp.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=False) VH = VH[S > thresh * S.max(), :] # Get kernels num_kernels = len(VH) kernels = VH.reshape( [num_kernels, num_coils] + [kernel_width] * img_ndim ) img_shape = ksp.shape[1:] # Get covariance matrix in image domain AHA = xp.zeros( img_shape[::-1] + (num_coils, num_coils), dtype=ksp.dtype ) for kernel in kernels: img_kernel = sp.ifft( sp.resize(kernel, ksp.shape), axes=range(-img_ndim, 0) ) aH = xp.expand_dims(img_kernel.T, axis=-1) a = xp.conj(aH.swapaxes(-1, -2)) AHA += aH @ a AHA *= / kernel_width**img_ndim self.mps = xp.ones(ksp.shape[::-1] + (1,), dtype=ksp.dtype) def forward(x): with sp.get_device(x): return AHA @ x def normalize(x): with sp.get_device(x): return ( xp.sum(xp.abs(x) ** 2, axis=-2, keepdims=True) ** 0.5 ) alg = sp.alg.PowerMethod( forward, self.mps, norm_func=normalize, max_iter=max_iter ) super().__init__(alg, show_pbar=show_pbar)
def _output(self): xp = self.device.xp with self.device: # Normalize phase with respect to first channel mps = self.mps.T[0] mps *= xp.conj(mps[0] / xp.abs(mps[0])) # Crop maps by thresholding eigenvalue max_eig = self.alg.max_eig.T[0] mps *= max_eig > self.crop if self.output_eigenvalue: return mps, max_eig else: return mps