Source code for sigpy.linop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains an abstraction class Linop for linear operators,
and provides commonly used linear operators, including signal transforms
such as FFT, NUFFT, and wavelet, and array manipulation operators,
such as reshape, transpose, and resize.
import numpy as np

from sigpy import backend, block, conv, fourier, interp, util, wavelet

def _check_shape_positive(shape):
    if not all(s > 0 for s in shape):
        raise ValueError(
            "Shapes must be positive, got {shape}".format(shape=shape)

[docs]class Linop: """Abstraction for linear operator. Linop can be called on a NumPy or CuPy array to perform a linear operation. The output can be on a different device. Given a Linop A, and an appropriately shaped input x, the following are both valid operations to compute x -> A(x): >>> y = A * x >>> y = A(x) Its adjoint linear operator can be obtained using the .H attribute. Linops can be scaled, added, subtracted, stacked and composed. Here are some example of valid operations on Linop A, Linop B, and a scalar a: >>> A.H >>> a * A + B >>> a * A * B Args: oshape: Output shape. ishape: Input shape. repr_str (string or None): default: class name. Attributes: oshape: output shape. ishape: input shape. H: adjoint linear operator. N: normal linear operator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, ishape, repr_str=None): self.oshape = list(oshape) self.ishape = list(ishape) _check_shape_positive(oshape) _check_shape_positive(ishape) if repr_str is None: self.repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ else: self.repr_str = repr_str self.adj = None self.normal = None
def _check_ishape(self, input): for i1, i2 in zip(input.shape, self.ishape): if i2 != -1 and i1 != i2: raise ValueError( "input shape mismatch for {s}, got {input_shape}".format( s=self, input_shape=input.shape ) ) def _check_oshape(self, output): for o1, o2 in zip(output.shape, self.oshape): if o2 != -1 and o1 != o2: raise ValueError( "output shape mismatch for {s}, got {output_shape}".format( s=self, output_shape=output.shape ) ) def _apply(self, input): raise NotImplementedError def apply(self, input): """Apply linear operation on input. This function checks for the input/output shapes and devices, and calls the internal user-defined _apply() method. Args: input (array): input array of shape `ishape`. Returns: array: output array of shape `oshape`. """ try: self._check_ishape(input) output = self._apply(input) self._check_oshape(output) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Exceptions from {}.".format(self)) from e return output def _adjoint_linop(self): raise NotImplementedError def _normal_linop(self): return self.H * self @property def H(self): r"""Return adjoint linear operator. An adjoint linear operator :math:`A^H` for a linear operator :math:`A` is defined as: .. math: \left< A x, y \right> = \left< x, A^H, y \right> Returns: Linop: adjoint linear operator. """ if self.adj is None: self.adj = self._adjoint_linop() return self.adj @property def N(self): r"""Return normal linear operator. A normal linear operator :math:`A^HA` for a linear operator :math:`A`. Returns: Linop: adjoint linear operator. """ if self.normal is None: self.normal = self._normal_linop() return self.normal def __call__(self, input): return self.__mul__(input) def __mul__(self, input): if isinstance(input, Linop): return Compose([self, input]) elif np.isscalar(input): M = Multiply(self.ishape, input) return Compose([self, M]) elif isinstance(input, backend.get_array_module(input).ndarray): return self.apply(input) return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, input): if np.isscalar(input): M = Multiply(self.oshape, input) return Compose([M, self]) return NotImplemented def __add__(self, input): if isinstance(input, Linop): return Add([self, input]) else: raise NotImplementedError def __neg__(self): return -1 * self def __sub__(self, input): return self.__add__(-input) def __repr__(self): return "<{oshape}x{ishape}> {repr_str} Linop>".format( oshape=self.oshape, ishape=self.ishape, repr_str=self.repr_str )
[docs]class Identity(Linop): """Identity linear operator. Returns input directly. Args: shape (tuple of ints): Input shape """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape): super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): return input def _adjoint_linop(self): return self def _normal_linop(self): return self
[docs]class ToDevice(Linop): """Move input between devices. Args: shape (tuple of ints): Input/output shape. odevice (Device): Output device idevice (Device): Input device """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, odevice, idevice): self.odevice = odevice self.idevice = idevice super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): return backend.to_device(input, self.odevice) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ToDevice(self.ishape, self.idevice, self.odevice)
[docs]class AllReduce(Linop): """Performs all reduce between MPI ranks. Returns input if in_place is True. Otherwise returns reduced array on the input device. Args: shape (tuple of ints): Input/output shape. comm (Communicator): Communicator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, comm, in_place=False): self.comm = comm self.in_place = in_place super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): if self.in_place: output = input else: output = input.copy() self.comm.allreduce(output) return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return AllReduceAdjoint(self.ishape, self.comm, in_place=self.in_place)
[docs]class AllReduceAdjoint(Linop): """All reduce adjoint operator. Equivalant to identity. Args: shape (tuple of ints): Input/output shape. comm (Communicator): Communicator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, comm, in_place=False): self.comm = comm self.in_place = in_place super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): return input def _adjoint_linop(self): return AllReduce(self.ishape, self.comm, in_place=self.in_place)
[docs]class Conj(Linop): """Complex conjugate of linear operator. Args: A (Linop): Input linear operator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, A): self.A = A super().__init__(A.oshape, A.ishape, repr_str=A.repr_str)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: input = xp.conj(input) output = self.A(input) device = backend.get_device(output) xp = device.xp with device: return xp.conj(output) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Conj(self.A.H)
[docs]class Add(Linop): """Addition of linear operators. Input and output shapes and devices must match. Args: linops (list of Linops): Input linear operators. Returns: Linop: linops[0] + linops[1] + ... + linops[n - 1] """
[docs] def __init__(self, linops): _check_linops_same_ishape(linops) _check_linops_same_oshape(linops) self.linops = linops oshape = linops[0].oshape ishape = linops[0].ishape super().__init__( oshape, ishape, repr_str=" + ".join([linop.repr_str for linop in linops]), )
def _apply(self, input): output = 0 with backend.get_device(input): for linop in self.linops: output += linop(input) return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Add([linop.H for linop in self.linops])
def _check_compose_linops(linops): for linop1, linop2 in zip(linops[:-1], linops[1:]): if linop1.ishape != linop2.oshape: raise ValueError( "cannot compose {linop1} and {linop2}.".format( linop1=linop1, linop2=linop2 ) ) def _combine_compose_linops(linops): combined_linops = [] for linop in linops: if isinstance(linop, Compose): combined_linops += linop.linops else: combined_linops.append(linop) return combined_linops
[docs]class Compose(Linop): """Composition of linear operators. Args: linops (list of Linops): Linear operators to be composed. Returns: Linop: linops[0] * linops[1] * ... * linops[n - 1] """
[docs] def __init__(self, linops): _check_compose_linops(linops) self.linops = _combine_compose_linops(linops) super().__init__( self.linops[0].oshape, self.linops[-1].ishape, repr_str=" * ".join([linop.repr_str for linop in linops]), )
def _apply(self, input): output = input for linop in self.linops[::-1]: output = linop(output) return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Compose([linop.H for linop in self.linops[::-1]])
def _check_linops_same_ishape(linops): for linop in linops: if linop.ishape != linops[0].ishape: raise ValueError( "Linops must have the same ishape, got {linops}.".format( linops=linops ) ) def _check_linops_same_oshape(linops): for linop in linops: if linop.oshape != linops[0].oshape: raise ValueError( "Linops must have the same oshape, got {linops}.".format( linops=linops ) ) def _hstack_params(shapes, axis): if axis is None: return _hstack_params([[] for shape in shapes], 0) ishape = list(shapes[0]) ndim = len(ishape) idx = shapes[0][axis] indices = [] for shape in shapes[1:]: if len(shape) != ndim: raise Exception( "Shapes must have the same lengths to concatenate." ) for i in range(ndim): if i == axis: ishape[i] += shape[i] indices.append(idx) idx += shape[i] elif shape[i] != ishape[i]: raise RuntimeError( "Shapes not along axis must be the same to concatenate." ) return ishape, indices
[docs]class Hstack(Linop): """Horizontally stack linear operators. Creates a Linop that splits the input, applies Linops independently, and sums outputs. In matrix form, this is equivalant to given matrices {A1, ..., An}, returns [A1, ..., An]. Input and output devices must be the same. Args: linops (list of Linops): list of linops with the same output shape. axis (int or None): If None, inputs are vectorized and concatenated. Otherwise, inputs are stacked along axis. """
[docs] def __init__(self, linops, axis=None): self.nops = len(linops) _check_linops_same_oshape(linops) self.linops = linops self.axis = axis ishape, self.indices = _hstack_params( [linop.ishape for linop in self.linops], axis ) oshape = self.linops[0].oshape super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): output = 0 for n, linop in enumerate(self.linops): if n == 0: start = 0 else: start = self.indices[n - 1] if n == self.nops - 1: end = None else: end = self.indices[n] if self.axis is None: output += linop(input[start:end].reshape(linop.ishape)) else: ndim = len(linop.ishape) axis = self.axis % ndim slc = tuple( [slice(None)] * axis + [slice(start, end)] + [slice(None)] * (ndim - axis - 1) ) output += linop(input[slc]) return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Vstack([op.H for op in self.linops], axis=self.axis)
def _vstack_params(shapes, axis): if axis is None: return _vstack_params([[] for shape in shapes], 0) oshape = list(shapes[0]) ndim = len(oshape) idx = shapes[0][axis] indices = [] for shape in shapes[1:]: if len(shape) != ndim: raise Exception( "Shapes must have the same lengths to concatenate." ) for i in range(ndim): if i == axis: oshape[i] += shape[i] indices.append(idx) idx += shape[i] elif shape[i] != oshape[i]: raise Exception( "Shapes not along axis must be the same to concatenate." ) return oshape, indices
[docs]class Vstack(Linop): """Vertically stack linear operators. Creates a Linop that applies linops independently, and concatenates outputs. In matrix form, this is equivalant to given matrices {A1, ..., An}, returns [A1.T, ..., An.T].T. Args: linops (list of Linops): list of linops with the same input shape. axis (int or None): If None, outputs are vectorized and concatenated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, linops, axis=None): self.nops = len(linops) _check_linops_same_ishape(linops) self.axis = axis self.linops = linops oshape, self.indices = _vstack_params( [linop.oshape for linop in self.linops], axis ) ishape = self.linops[0].ishape super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: output = xp.empty(self.oshape, dtype=input.dtype) for n, linop in enumerate(self.linops): if n == 0: start = 0 else: start = self.indices[n - 1] if n == self.nops - 1: end = None else: end = self.indices[n] if self.axis is None: output[start:end] = linop(input).ravel() else: ndim = len(linop.oshape) axis = self.axis % ndim slc = tuple( [slice(None)] * axis + [slice(start, end)] + [slice(None)] * (ndim - axis - 1) ) output[slc] = linop(input) return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Hstack([op.H for op in self.linops], axis=self.axis)
[docs]class Diag(Linop): """Diagonally stack linear operators. Create a Linop that splits input, applies linops independently, and concatenates outputs. In matrix form, given matrices {A1, ..., An}, returns diag([A1, ..., An]). Args: linops (list of Linops): list of linops with the same input and output shape. iaxis (int or None): If None, inputs are vectorized and concatenated. oaxis (int or None): If None, outputs are vectorized and concatenated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, linops, oaxis=None, iaxis=None): self.nops = len(linops) self.linops = linops self.oaxis = oaxis self.iaxis = iaxis ishape, self.iindices = _hstack_params( [linop.ishape for linop in self.linops], iaxis ) oshape, self.oindices = _vstack_params( [linop.oshape for linop in self.linops], oaxis ) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: output = xp.empty(self.oshape, dtype=input.dtype) for n, linop in enumerate(self.linops): if n == 0: istart = 0 ostart = 0 else: istart = self.iindices[n - 1] ostart = self.oindices[n - 1] if n == self.nops - 1: iend = None oend = None else: iend = self.iindices[n] oend = self.oindices[n] if self.iaxis is None: output_n = linop( input[istart:iend].reshape(linop.ishape) ).ravel() else: ndim = len(linop.ishape) axis = self.iaxis % ndim islc = tuple( [slice(None)] * axis + [slice(istart, iend)] + [slice(None)] * (ndim - axis - 1) ) output_n = linop(input[islc]) if self.oaxis is None: output[ostart:oend] = output_n else: ndim = len(linop.oshape) axis = self.oaxis % ndim oslc = tuple( [slice(None)] * axis + [slice(ostart, oend)] + [slice(None)] * (ndim - axis - 1) ) output[oslc] = output_n return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Diag( [op.H for op in self.linops], oaxis=self.iaxis, iaxis=self.oaxis )
[docs]class Reshape(Linop): """Reshape input to given output shape. Args: oshape (tuple of ints): Output shape. ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, ishape): super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): return input.reshape(self.oshape) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Reshape(self.ishape, self.oshape) def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
[docs]class Transpose(Linop): """Tranpose input with the given axes. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. axes (None or tuple of ints): Axes to transpose input. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, axes=None): self.axes = axes if axes is None: self.iaxes = None oshape = ishape[::-1] else: self.iaxes = np.argsort(axes) oshape = [ishape[a] for a in axes] super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): return input.transpose(self.axes) def _adjoint_linop(self): if self.axes is None: iaxes = None oshape = self.ishape[::-1] else: iaxes = np.argsort(self.axes) oshape = [self.ishape[a] for a in self.axes] return Transpose(oshape, axes=iaxes) def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
[docs]class FFT(Linop): """FFT linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of int): Input shape axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform FFT. If None, applies on all axes. center (bool): Toggle center FFT. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, axes=None, center=True): self.axes = axes = center super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): return fourier.fft(input, axes=self.axes, def _adjoint_linop(self): return IFFT(self.ishape, axes=self.axes, def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
[docs]class IFFT(Linop): """IFFT linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of int): Input shape axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform FFT. If None, applies on all axes. center (bool): Toggle center FFT. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, axes=None, center=True): self.axes = axes = center super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): return fourier.ifft(input, axes=self.axes, def _adjoint_linop(self): return FFT(self.ishape, axes=self.axes, def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
def _get_matmul_oshape(ishape, mshape, adjoint): ishape_exp, mshape_exp = util._expand_shapes(ishape, mshape) if adjoint: mshape_exp[-1], mshape_exp[-2] = mshape_exp[-2], mshape_exp[-1] oshape = [] for i, m in zip(ishape_exp[:-2], mshape_exp[:-2]): if not (i == m or i == 1 or m == 1): raise ValueError( "Invalid shapes: {ishape}, {mshape}.".format( ishape=ishape, mshape=mshape ) ) oshape.append(max(i, m)) if mshape_exp[-1] != ishape_exp[-2]: raise ValueError( "Invalid shapes: {ishape}, {mshape}.".format( ishape=ishape, mshape=mshape ) ) oshape += [mshape_exp[-2], ishape_exp[-1]] return oshape def _get_matmul_adjoint_sum_axes(oshape, ishape, mshape): ishape_exp, mshape_exp = util._expand_shapes(ishape, mshape) max_ndim = max(len(ishape), len(mshape)) sum_axes = [] for i, m, o, d in zip( ishape_exp[:-2], mshape_exp[:-2], oshape[:-2], range(max_ndim - 2) ): if i == 1 and (m != 1 or o != 1): sum_axes.append(d) return sum_axes
[docs]class MatMul(Linop): """Matrix multiplication. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. It must be able to broadcast with mat.shape. mat (array): Matrix of shape [..., m, n] adjoint (bool): Toggle adjoint. If True, performs conj(mat).swapaxes(-1, -2) before performing matrix multiplication. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, mat, adjoint=False): self.mat = mat self.adjoint = adjoint oshape = _get_matmul_oshape(ishape, mat.shape, adjoint) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp mat = backend.to_device(self.mat, device) with device: if self.adjoint: mat = xp.conj(mat).swapaxes(-1, -2) return xp.matmul(mat, input) def _adjoint_linop(self): sum_axes = _get_matmul_adjoint_sum_axes( self.oshape, self.ishape, self.mat.shape ) M = MatMul(self.oshape, self.mat, adjoint=not self.adjoint) S = Sum(M.oshape, sum_axes) R = Reshape(self.ishape, S.oshape) return R * S * M
def _get_right_matmul_oshape(ishape, mshape, adjoint): ishape_exp, mshape_exp = util._expand_shapes(ishape, mshape) if adjoint: mshape_exp[-1], mshape_exp[-2] = mshape_exp[-2], mshape_exp[-1] max_ndim = max(len(ishape), len(mshape)) oshape = [] for i, m, d in zip(ishape_exp[:-2], mshape_exp[:-2], range(max_ndim - 2)): if not (i == m or i == 1 or m == 1): raise ValueError( "Invalid shapes: {ishape}, {mshape}.".format( ishape=ishape, mshape=mshape ) ) oshape.append(max(i, m)) if ishape_exp[-1] != mshape_exp[-2]: raise ValueError( "Invalid shapes: {ishape}, {mshape}.".format( ishape=ishape, mshape=mshape ) ) oshape += [ishape_exp[-2], mshape_exp[-1]] return oshape
[docs]class RightMatMul(Linop): """Matrix multiplication on the right. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. It must be able to broadcast with mat.shape. mat (array): Matrix of shape [..., m, n] adjoint (bool): Toggle adjoint. If True, performs conj(mat).swapaxes(-1, -2) before performing matrix multiplication. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, mat, adjoint=False): self.mat = mat self.adjoint = adjoint oshape = _get_right_matmul_oshape(ishape, mat.shape, adjoint) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp mat = backend.to_device(self.mat, device) with device: if self.adjoint: mat = xp.conj(mat).swapaxes(-1, -2) return xp.matmul(input, mat) def _adjoint_linop(self): sum_axes = _get_matmul_adjoint_sum_axes( self.oshape, self.ishape, self.mat.shape ) M = RightMatMul(self.oshape, self.mat, adjoint=not self.adjoint) S = Sum(M.oshape, sum_axes) R = Reshape(self.ishape, S.oshape) return R * S * M
def _get_multiply_oshape(ishape, mshape): ishape_exp, mshape_exp = util._expand_shapes(ishape, mshape) max_ndim = max(len(ishape), len(mshape)) oshape = [] for i, m, d in zip(ishape_exp, mshape_exp, range(max_ndim)): if not (i == m or i == 1 or m == 1): raise ValueError( "Invalid shapes: {ishape}, {mshape}.".format( ishape=ishape, mshape=mshape ) ) oshape.append(max(i, m)) return oshape def _get_multiply_adjoint_sum_axes(oshape, ishape, mshape): ishape_exp, mshape_exp = util._expand_shapes(ishape, mshape) max_ndim = max(len(ishape), len(mshape)) sum_axes = [] for i, m, o, d in zip(ishape_exp, mshape_exp, oshape, range(max_ndim)): if i == 1 and (m != 1 or o != 1): sum_axes.append(d) return sum_axes
[docs]class Multiply(Linop): """Multiplication linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. mult (array): Array to multiply. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, mult, conj=False): self.mult = mult self.conj = conj if np.isscalar(mult): self.mshape = [1] else: self.mshape = mult.shape oshape = _get_multiply_oshape(ishape, self.mshape) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: if np.isscalar(self.mult): if self.mult == 1: return input mult = self.mult if self.conj: mult = mult.conjugate() else: mult = backend.to_device(self.mult, backend.get_device(input)) if self.conj: mult = xp.conj(mult) return input * mult def _adjoint_linop(self): sum_axes = _get_multiply_adjoint_sum_axes( self.oshape, self.ishape, self.mshape ) M = Multiply(self.oshape, self.mult, conj=not self.conj) S = Sum(M.oshape, sum_axes) R = Reshape(self.ishape, S.oshape) return R * S * M
[docs]class Interpolate(Linop): """Interpolation linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape = batch_shape + grd_shape coord (array): Coordinates, values from - nx / 2 to nx / 2 - 1. ndim can only be 1, 2 or 3, of shape pts_shape + [ndim] width (float): Width of interp. kernel in grid size. kernel (str): Interpolation kernel, {'spline', 'kaiser_bessel'}. param (float): Kernel parameter. See Also: :func:`sigpy.interpolate` """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, coord, kernel="spline", width=2, param=1): ndim = coord.shape[-1] oshape = list(ishape[:-ndim]) + list(coord.shape[:-1]) self.coord = coord self.width = width self.kernel = kernel self.param = param super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: coord = backend.to_device(self.coord, device) return interp.interpolate( input, coord, kernel=self.kernel, width=self.width, param=self.param, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Gridding( self.ishape, self.coord, kernel=self.kernel, width=self.width, param=self.param, )
[docs]class Gridding(Linop): """Gridding linear operator. Args: oshape (tuple of ints): Output shape = batch_shape + pts_shape ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape = batch_shape + grd_shape coord (array): Coordinates, values from - nx / 2 to nx / 2 - 1. ndim can only be 1, 2 or 3. of shape pts_shape + [ndim] width (float): Width of interp. kernel in grid size. kernel (str): Interpolation kernel, {'spline', 'kaiser_bessel'}. param (float): Kernel parameter. See Also: :func:`sigpy.gridding` """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, coord, kernel="spline", width=2, param=1): ndim = coord.shape[-1] ishape = list(oshape[:-ndim]) + list(coord.shape[:-1]) self.coord = coord self.kernel = kernel self.width = width self.param = param super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: coord = backend.to_device(self.coord, device) return interp.gridding( input, coord, self.oshape, kernel=self.kernel, width=self.width, param=self.param, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Interpolate( self.oshape, self.coord, kernel=self.kernel, width=self.width, param=self.param, )
[docs]class Resize(Linop): """Resize linear operator. Args: oshape (tuple of int): Output shape. ishape (tuple of int): Input shape """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, ishape, ishift=None, oshift=None): self.ishift = ishift self.oshift = oshift super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): with backend.get_device(input): return util.resize( input, self.oshape, ishift=self.ishift, oshift=self.oshift ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Resize( self.ishape, self.oshape, ishift=self.oshift, oshift=self.ishift )
[docs]class Flip(Linop): """Flip linear operator. Args: shape (tuple of int): Input shape """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, axes=None): self.axes = axes super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return util.flip(input, self.axes) def _adjoint_linop(self): return self
[docs]class Downsample(Linop): """Downsampling linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. factor (tuple of ints): Downsampling factor. shift (None of tuple of ints): Shifts before down-sampling. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, factors, shift=None): self.factors = factors if shift is None: shift = [0] * len(ishape) self.shift = shift oshape = [ ((i - s + f - 1) // f) for i, f, s in zip(ishape, factors, shift) ] super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return util.downsample(input, self.factors, shift=self.shift) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Upsample(self.ishape, self.factors, shift=self.shift)
[docs]class Upsample(Linop): """Upsampling linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. factor (tuple of ints): Upsampling factor. shift (None of tuple of ints): Shifts before up-sampling. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, factors, shift=None): self.factors = factors if shift is None: shift = [0] * len(oshape) self.shift = shift ishape = [ ((i - s + f - 1) // f) for i, f, s in zip(oshape, factors, shift) ] super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return util.upsample( input, self.oshape, self.factors, shift=self.shift ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Downsample(self.oshape, self.factors, shift=self.shift)
[docs]class Circshift(Linop): """Circular shift linear operator. Args: shape (tuple of ints): Input/output shape. shift (tuple of ints): Shifts. axes (None or tuple of ints): Axes to perform circular shift. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, shift, axes=None): self.axes = axes self.shift = shift self.ishift = [-s for s in self.shift] super().__init__(shape, shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return util.circshift(input, self.shift, self.axes) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Circshift(self.ishape, [-s for s in self.shift], axes=self.axes) def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
[docs]class Wavelet(Linop): """Wavelet transform linear operator. Currently only has CPU implementation. GPU inputs will be copied to CPU, and back to compute on CPU. Args: ishape (tuple of int): Input shape. axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform wavelet transform. wave_name (str): Wavelet name. level (None or int): Number of wavelet levels. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, axes=None, wave_name="db4", level=None): self.wave_name = wave_name self.axes = axes self.level = level oshape, _ = wavelet.get_wavelet_shape( ishape, wave_name=wave_name, axes=axes, level=level ) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return wavelet.fwt( input, wave_name=self.wave_name, axes=self.axes, level=self.level, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return InverseWavelet( self.ishape, axes=self.axes, wave_name=self.wave_name, level=self.level, )
[docs]class InverseWavelet(Linop): """Inverse wavelet transform linear operator. Currently only has CPU implementation. GPU inputs will be copied to CPU, and back to compute on CPU. Args: oshape (tuple of int): Output shape. axes (None or tuple of int): Axes to perform wavelet transform. wave_name (str): Wavelet name. level (None or int): Number of wavelet levels. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, axes=None, wave_name="db4", level=None): self.wave_name = wave_name self.axes = axes self.level = level ishape, self.coeff_slices = wavelet.get_wavelet_shape( oshape, wave_name=wave_name, axes=axes, level=level ) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return wavelet.iwt( input, self.oshape, self.coeff_slices, wave_name=self.wave_name, axes=self.axes, level=self.level, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Wavelet( self.oshape, axes=self.axes, wave_name=self.wave_name, level=self.level, )
[docs]class Sum(Linop): """Sum linear operator. Accumulate axes by summing. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. axes (tuple of ints): Axes to sum over. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, axes): self.axes = tuple(i % len(ishape) for i in axes) oshape = [ishape[i] for i in range(len(ishape)) if i not in self.axes] super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: return xp.sum(input, axis=self.axes) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Tile(self.ishape, self.axes)
[docs]class Tile(Linop): """Tile linear operator. Args: oshape (tuple of ints): Output shape. axes (tuple of ints): Axes to tile. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, axes): self.axes = tuple(a % len(oshape) for a in axes) ishape = [oshape[d] for d in range(len(oshape)) if d not in self.axes] self.expanded_ishape = [] self.reps = [] for d in range(len(oshape)): if d in self.axes: self.expanded_ishape.append(1) self.reps.append(oshape[d]) else: self.expanded_ishape.append(oshape[d]) self.reps.append(1) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) xp = device.xp with device: return xp.tile(input.reshape(self.expanded_ishape), self.reps) def _adjoint_linop(self): return Sum(self.oshape, self.axes)
[docs]class ArrayToBlocks(Linop): """Extract blocks from an array in a sliding window manner. Args: ishape (array): input array of shape [..., N_1, ..., N_D] blk_shape (tuple): block shape of length D, with D <= 4. blk_strides (tuple): block strides of length D. See Also: :func:`sigpy.block.array_to_blocks` """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, blk_shape, blk_strides): self.blk_shape = blk_shape self.blk_strides = blk_strides D = len(blk_shape) num_blks = [ (i - b + s) // s for i, b, s in zip(ishape[-D:], blk_shape, blk_strides) ] oshape = list(ishape[:-D]) + num_blks + list(blk_shape) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return block.array_to_blocks( input, self.blk_shape, self.blk_strides ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return BlocksToArray(self.ishape, self.blk_shape, self.blk_strides) def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
[docs]class BlocksToArray(Linop): """Accumulate blocks into an array in a sliding window manner. Args: oshape (tuple): output shape. blk_shape (tuple): block shape of length D. blk_strides (tuple): block strides of length D. Returns: array: array of shape oshape. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, blk_shape, blk_strides): self.blk_shape = blk_shape self.blk_strides = blk_strides D = len(blk_shape) num_blks = [ (i - b + s) // s for i, b, s in zip(oshape[-D:], blk_shape, blk_strides) ] ishape = list(oshape[:-D]) + num_blks + list(blk_shape) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: return block.blocks_to_array( input, self.oshape, self.blk_shape, self.blk_strides ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ArrayToBlocks(self.oshape, self.blk_shape, self.blk_strides) def _normal_linop(self): return Identity(self.ishape)
def Gradient(ishape, axes=None): import warnings warnings.warn( "Gradient Linop is renamed to FiniteDifference, " "Please switch to use FiniteDifference.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return FiniteDifference(ishape, axes=axes)
[docs]def FiniteDifference(ishape, axes=None): """Linear operator that computes finite difference gradient. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. axes (tuple or list): Axes to circularly shift. All axes are used if None. """ Id = Identity(ishape) ndim = len(ishape) axes = util._normalize_axes(axes, ndim) linops = [] for i in axes: D = Id - Circshift(ishape, [1], axes=[i]) R = Reshape([1] + list(ishape), ishape) linops.append(R * D) G = Vstack(linops, axis=0) return G
[docs]class NUFFT(Linop): """NUFFT linear operator. Args: ishape (tuple of int): Input shape. coord (array): Coordinates, with values [-ishape / 2, ishape / 2] oversamp (float): Oversampling factor. width (float): Kernel width. toeplitz (bool): Use toeplitz PSF to evaluate normal operator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, coord, oversamp=1.25, width=4, toeplitz=False): self.coord = coord self.oversamp = oversamp self.width = width self.toeplitz = toeplitz ndim = coord.shape[-1] oshape = list(ishape[:-ndim]) + list(coord.shape[:-1]) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: coord = backend.to_device(self.coord, device) return fourier.nufft( input, coord, oversamp=self.oversamp, width=self.width ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return NUFFTAdjoint( self.ishape, self.coord, oversamp=self.oversamp, width=self.width ) def _normal_linop(self): if self.toeplitz is False: return self.H * self ndim = self.coord.shape[-1] psf = fourier.toeplitz_psf( self.coord, self.ishape, self.oversamp, self.width ) fft_axes = tuple(range(-1, -(ndim + 1), -1)) R = Resize(psf.shape, self.ishape) F = FFT(psf.shape, axes=fft_axes) P = Multiply(psf.shape, psf) T = R.H * F.H * P * F * R return T
[docs]class NUFFTAdjoint(Linop): """NUFFT adjoint linear operator. Args: oshape (tuple of int): Output shape coord (array): Coordinates, with values [-ishape / 2, ishape / 2] oversamp (float): Oversampling factor. width (float): Kernel width. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, coord, oversamp=1.25, width=4): self.coord = coord self.oversamp = oversamp self.width = width ndim = coord.shape[-1] ishape = list(oshape[:-ndim]) + list(coord.shape[:-1]) super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) with device: coord = backend.to_device(self.coord, device) return fourier.nufft_adjoint( input, coord, self.oshape, oversamp=self.oversamp, width=self.width, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return NUFFT( self.oshape, self.coord, oversamp=self.oversamp, width=self.width )
[docs]class ConvolveData(Linop): r"""Convolution operator for data arrays. Args: data_shape (tuple of ints): data array shape: :math:`[\ldots, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` if multi_channel is False, :math:`[\ldots, c_i, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` otherwise. filt (array): filter array of shape: :math:`[n_1, \ldots, n_D]` if multi_channel is False :math:`[c_o, c_i, n_1, \ldots, n_D]` otherwise. mode (str): {'full', 'valid'}. strides (None or tuple of ints): convolution strides of length D. multi_channel (bool): specify if input/output has multiple channels. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_shape, filt, mode="full", strides=None, multi_channel=False ): self.filt = filt self.mode = mode self.strides = strides self.multi_channel = multi_channel D, b, B, m, n, s, c_i, c_o, p = conv._get_convolve_params( data_shape, filt.shape, mode, strides, multi_channel ) if multi_channel: output_shape = b + (c_o,) + p else: output_shape = b + p super().__init__(output_shape, data_shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) filt = backend.to_device(self.filt, device) with device: return conv.convolve( input, filt, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ConvolveDataAdjoint( self.ishape, self.filt, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, )
[docs]class ConvolveDataAdjoint(Linop): r"""Adjoint convolution operator for data arrays. Args: data_shape (tuple of ints): data array shape: :math:`[\ldots, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` if multi_channel is False, :math:`[\ldots, c_i, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` otherwise. filt (array): filter array of shape: :math:`[n_1, \ldots, n_D]` if multi_channel is False :math:`[c_o, c_i, n_1, \ldots, n_D]` otherwise. mode (str): {'full', 'valid'}. strides (None or tuple of ints): convolution strides of length D. multi_channel (bool): specify if input/output has multiple channels. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_shape, filt, mode="full", strides=None, multi_channel=False ): self.filt = filt self.mode = mode self.strides = strides self.multi_channel = multi_channel D, b, B, m, n, s, c_i, c_o, p = conv._get_convolve_params( data_shape, filt.shape, mode, strides, multi_channel ) if multi_channel: output_shape = b + (c_o,) + p else: output_shape = b + p super().__init__(data_shape, output_shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) filt = backend.to_device(self.filt, device) with device: return conv.convolve_data_adjoint( input, filt, self.oshape, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ConvolveData( self.oshape, self.filt, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, )
[docs]class ConvolveFilter(Linop): r"""Convolution operator for filter arrays. Args: filt_shape (tuple of ints): filter array shape: :math:`[n_1, \ldots, n_D]` if multi_channel is False :math:`[c_o, c_i, n_1, \ldots, n_D]` otherwise. data (array): data array of shape: :math:`[\ldots, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` if multi_channel is False, :math:`[\ldots, c_i, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` otherwise. mode (str): {'full', 'valid'}. strides (None or tuple of ints): convolution strides of length D. multi_channel (bool): specify if input/output has multiple channels. """
[docs] def __init__( self, filt_shape, data, mode="full", strides=None, multi_channel=False ): = data self.mode = mode self.strides = strides self.multi_channel = multi_channel D, b, B, m, n, s, c_i, c_o, p = conv._get_convolve_params( data.shape, filt_shape, mode, strides, multi_channel ) if multi_channel: output_shape = b + (c_o,) + p else: output_shape = b + p super().__init__(output_shape, filt_shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) data = backend.to_device(, device) with device: return conv.convolve( data, input, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ConvolveFilterAdjoint( self.ishape,, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, )
[docs]class ConvolveFilterAdjoint(Linop): r"""Adjoint convolution operator for filter arrays. Args: filt_shape (tuple of ints): filter array shape: :math:`[n_1, \ldots, n_D]` if multi_channel is False :math:`[c_o, c_i, n_1, \ldots, n_D]` otherwise. data (array): data array of shape: :math:`[\ldots, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` if multi_channel is False, :math:`[\ldots, c_i, m_1, \ldots, m_D]` otherwise. mode (str): {'full', 'valid'}. strides (None or tuple of ints): convolution strides of length D. multi_channel (bool): specify if input/output has multiple channels. """
[docs] def __init__( self, filt_shape, data, mode="full", strides=None, multi_channel=False ): = data self.mode = mode self.strides = strides self.multi_channel = multi_channel D, b, B, m, n, s, c_i, c_o, p = conv._get_convolve_params( data.shape, filt_shape, mode, strides, multi_channel ) if multi_channel: output_shape = b + (c_o,) + p else: output_shape = b + p super().__init__(filt_shape, output_shape)
def _apply(self, input): device = backend.get_device(input) data = backend.to_device(, device) with device: return conv.convolve_filter_adjoint( input, data, self.oshape, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, ) def _adjoint_linop(self): return ConvolveFilter( self.oshape,, mode=self.mode, strides=self.strides, multi_channel=self.multi_channel, )
[docs]class Slice(Linop): """Slice input with given index. Given input `input` and index `idx`, returns `input[idx]`. Args: ishape (tuple of ints): Input shape. idx (slice or tuple of slices): Index. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ishape, idx): self.idx = idx oshape = np.empty(ishape)[idx].shape super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): return input[self.idx] def _adjoint_linop(self): return Embed(self.ishape, self.idx)
[docs]class Embed(Linop): """Embed input into a zero array with the given shape and index. Given input `input` and index `idx`, returns output with `output[idx] = input`. Args: oshape (tuple of ints): output shape. idx (slice or tuple of slices): Index. """
[docs] def __init__(self, oshape, idx): self.idx = idx ishape = np.empty(oshape)[idx].shape super().__init__(oshape, ishape)
def _apply(self, input): output = np.zeros(self.oshape, dtype=input.dtype) output[self.idx] = input return output def _adjoint_linop(self): return Slice(self.oshape, self.idx)